The Difference Between Architectural Design Build and Design Bid Build

<p><strong><em>Design-Bid-Build</em></strong>&nbsp;is the process which has been introduced over the past 150 years or so whereby you hire an architect to draft plans and design your project&ndash;to then have it bid out to contractors seeking to perform the project. This approach has many liabilities for the client due in no small part to the fragmented spheres of responsibilities which exist. There is no single person or entity fully accountable to the client for the entire project&rsquo;s success. Thus you can have impractical and expensive design work, impractical planning, numerous change orders, shoddy craftsmanship and projects which are off timeline and over budget&ndash;as they often are. In the end the client can be left damaged. You or someone you know may have experienced this in the past.</p> <p><strong><em>Architectural Design Build</em></strong><em>&nbsp;</em>is the preferred option if you want to save time and money, reduce stress and eliminate a fragmented sense of project responsibility in the professionals working for and with you. Design Build is a model which stresses single-source accountability with the creative design, planning, and remodeling executed start to finish by one firm. It&rsquo;s actually a simple concept to understand and embrace. This natural course of planning and building embraces the age-old role of Architect as Master Builder, which has been the case for thousands of years throughout history.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Design Bid