The development of design anthropology in business practice

<p>Anthropology has been seen as a discipline that studies people and their culture. An anthropologist is capable to understand humans deeper than any other discipline, although it is rarely seen that they are experts in their practical context. The legacy of classical anthropology &mdash; such as Malinowskian ethnography &mdash; limits the implementation of anthropological perspectives and methods into more practical use, including for business needs.</p> <p>Not until the 1980s that social science and humanities (including anthropology) seen as essential in the product development process, especially tech products. Tech companies like Microsoft, Intel, and Xerox started the trend of hiring anthropologists for their business practice. Ethnography becomes a method born from anthropology that suits the business needs to practice human-centered design. Design becomes a new field for anthropologists to practice the methods and knowledge they acquire from their academic experience.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>