Zero To Million Users (Part 2) : Database

<p>Welcome back! In part 2 of &ldquo;Zero To Million Users&rdquo;, we&rsquo;ll dive into the world of databases &mdash; the backbone of any successful application. From relational to graph databases, we&rsquo;ll explore the pros and cons of each and discover when to use what. So fasten your seatbelts, grab your favorite drink, and get ready to embark on a journey to data-driven success!</p> <p>Table of content:</p> <ol> <li>Fundamentals Of Database Through A Story</li> <li>Database Types &amp; Their Application</li> <li>Guessing Game on Database</li> <li>How To Calculate Storage From &ldquo;System Design&rdquo; Perspective</li> </ol> <h1>Fundamentals Of Database Through A Story</h1> <p>Once upon a time, there was a company that needed to store a large amount of data about its customers, products, and orders. The company realized that keeping track of all this data in spreadsheets and text files was becoming too difficult and error-prone.</p> <p>The company decided to create a&nbsp;<strong>database</strong>&nbsp;to store and manage its data. They started by creating a&nbsp;<strong>data model</strong>, which defined the types of data that would be stored, as well as the relationships between the different types of data. This allowed them to organize their data in a logical and structured way.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>