How is Fashion Design HCD?

<p>My favourite part of the design process has always been making sense of research inputs and building on ideas using evidence. Insights from research are consolidated in the form of<em>&nbsp;&lsquo;reports</em>&rsquo; &mdash; from thumbnails of styles with their distinguishing characteristics to design theme assortments and clubbing of concepts all visualised through slideshows and boards.</p> <p>This highly collaborative process requires thorough&nbsp;<em>brainstorming</em>&nbsp;among design teams,&nbsp;<em>framing stories&nbsp;</em>with stakeholders of various levels to (design heads, buying team)&nbsp;<em>filtering out of strong, core concepts</em>&nbsp;that are not only promising but also form a cohesive whole with fashion ranges across the parent brand. These concepts are then churned out into numerous ideas in the form of&nbsp;<em>sketches</em>, and parallelly, we find the right vendors to<em>&nbsp;supply raw material.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: fashion Design