An explanation of different Game Design Approaches

<h1>Iterative Design</h1> <p>I believe it is the design approach the most used across all creative domains. We almost use this approach naturally. You start by&nbsp;<strong>assuming&nbsp;</strong>something, then you&nbsp;<strong>try</strong>, you&nbsp;<strong>test</strong>, and you&nbsp;<strong>learn&nbsp;</strong>from your last iteration to then reiterate. Iterations are very effective, because as designers we always fail at one point, if not always. This process allows us not only to get to a possibly better product but to gain experience and refine our vision and knowledge. With years of experience, we need less iteration.<br /> In the gaming industry, we usually follow our knowledge and &ldquo;gut feeling&rdquo;. We assume player behaviors and game balance based on our intentions, then we watch players use the systems and mechanics we created and refine our gameplay and vision. It is an infinite circle of problem-solving.</p> <p>The biggest cons about this approach are that lots of designers (especially students and juniors) tend to underestimate the first phase and focus only on trying and testing, which raises lots of issues that could have been solved earlier. Besides, when we don&rsquo;t have a lot of experience, our gut feeling tends to be wrong.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>