Tag: Habits

6 Habits That Will Make You Mentally Strong

Mental strength is not an innate trait; it is a skill that can be developed through consistent practice and self-awareness. In today’s fast-paced and often challenging world, cultivating mental strength is crucial to navigating through life’s ups and downs with resilience and grace. By a...

4 Simple Habits for Peace of Mind

When times are tough, it’s easy to get lost in spirals of stress and anxiety — endlessly worrying about the future, obsessively ruminating on the past, and procrastinating on the goals that matter most. Unfortunately, many of the habits we fall into during difficult times only make ou...

Atomic Habits: Book Summary

This is part -3 of the “Atomic Habits” book summary. This chapter is all about introducing the 4 simple steps to build better habits and break bad ones. How to Build Better Habits in 4 Simple Steps The chapter begins with a reference to a psychological experiment done by Edwar...

3 Habits That Will Make You Mentally Strong

Here’s how I think about mental strength: Mental strength is the ability to control your mind instead of being controlled by it. For example: Instead of getting sucked into spirals of self-criticism and shame, mental strength is what allows you to redirect your attention and th...

Why We Can’t Resist What We Don’t Need — The Hidden Force That Drives Our Buying Habits

Imagine you are sitting in a Starbucks, watching cars honk and pass by. Your mind wanders off…… or maybe you are not. You stare at the bus and there’s a banner of a recent movie. You look further at the bus stop and you see a poster of a model wearing a luxurious watch with a cap...

How to Make Healthy New Habits That Stick

I’m actually one of those guys who says that you should keep things simple and only build one habit at a time. It might just take one habit to kickstart many other positive changes in your life. But I think it’s important every once in a while, to do the opposite of what you’re ...

I Gave My 100% to These 4 Habits, and They Changed My Life

The correct answer: you integrate them into your lives, into your routine and habits. As we all wake up, eat, and bathe, our habits are influenced by what we’ve learned. Some people wake up early, and some don’t. Some people eat less. Some prefer being vegan. Our learnings change how ...

5 Habits of Highly Focused People

The biggest reason people struggle to focus is that they don’t understand what focus really is. Most of us think about focus like willpower — the effort you apply to keep your mind on one thing when it wants to go somewhere else. But this is only a tiny part of focus — and by fa...

5 Little Habits to Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life Forever

Psychology today states that 31% of US adults alone experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their life and globally the number is on the rise. Anxiety was a means of being aware of your surroundings to be able to ward off predators and survive. A healthy amount of anxiety is good the i...

How To Reset Your Life In 4 Days Or Less

I’ll be honest with you. These last two days have been rough. Like I’m stuck in an inescapable rut. However, I’m not willing to resign myself to defeat yet. I’ve learnt a few things over the years that have helped me break old patterns in exchange for new ones. ...

7 Hardest Habits That Pay Off Forever

Habits play an important role in shaping our future, as they can either lead us towards regression or propel us when nurtured wisely. Ultimately, the outcome depends on our choices and the habits we cultivate. In his best book “Atomic Habits,” James Clear states that &ldqu...

12 Tiny Habits That Help Me Read 90+ Books A Year

“I love reading but I can’t find time to start a book.” If that’s something you’ve heard yourself saying for a while now, it’s time to shift your mindset. As someone who reads 90+ books a year, I’ve understood that building a daily reading habit doesn&...

4 Habits to Stay Calm in Stressful Times

During tough times, it’s easy to get lost in spirals of stress and anxiety — endlessly worrying about the future, obsessively ruminating on the past, procrastinating on the goals that matter most. Unfortunately, many of the habits we fall into during times of stress only make our stre...

14 habits that make you more focused than 98% of people

What’s the deal with staying focused? Here are some ideas I’ve picked up over decades of procrastination and spreading myself too thin: 1. Know the difference between being overloaded and overwhelmed. When we’re overloaded, we need to do less. When we’re overwhelmed,...

Nine daily habits of the most determined people I know

When you ask most people who accomplished incredible things what made the most significant contribution, you’ll find a common answer: Determination. No one is determined all the time. We all suffer setbacks and moments of doubt. But we can nurture a determined spirit that carries us over...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so I distanced myse...

4 Habits of Very Smart People

Being smart is not just about being highly intelligent. It’s how you deal with situations and the world around you. You don’t need to be highly intelligent to be smart. You can be street-smart, smart in a spiritual way, or just simply smart when it comes to life. The good thing ...

4 Habits of Emotionally Strong People

Most people hear the term emotionally strong and assume that it means the ability to ignore your emotions or not feel them. But that’s dead wrong… Emotional strength isn’t about getting rid of difficult feelings — it means you know how to respond to them in a he...

3 Habits That Will Make You Mentally Strong

Here’s how I think about mental strength: Mental strength is the ability to control your mind instead of being controlled by it. For example: Instead of getting sucked into spirals of self-criticism and shame, mental strength is what allows you to redirect your attention and th...

4 Everyday One-Minute Habits That Actually Improved My Life in 6 Months

You can change your life in six months. I know it’s a bold statement, but I have proof to back it up. In the last six months, I wrote more than 100 articles that made a lot of money. I achieved my dream of making writing my full-time job. I became a top writer on 10+ topics. I w...

10 Daily Habits Made Me a Millionaire at 28 Years Old

I recently posted a video on YouTube where I detailed my daily habits for the last few years while building my business and achieving a net worth of over £1 million. Firstly, money isn’t everything. That’s something I’ve learned in the process of making it. I ...

4 Powerful Ways to Develop New Habits That Stick

Starting a new habit is difficult. Below are a few techniques that might help you. Start with small steps If you are not an early riser, do not aim to wake up 2 hours early right from the beginning. Start with small targets. Plan for the roadblocks If you are a new writer, you will fa...

3 Habits of Highly Resilient People

For most of us, the idea of resilience conjures up stories of profound heroism in the face of grave injustice — Viktor Frankl surviving the concentration camps or Rosa Parks sitting wherever she damn well pleased. But resilience isn’t always epic. Sometimes it’s quite ...

4 Habits that Will Bring You Inner Peace

We all wish we had a little more inner peace in our lives. After all, it’s hard enough to cope with the stress of workplace politics or family drama when your mind is clear and still. But when you’re trying to do it with a mind that’s buzzing with worries and insecurities, regre...

Seven habits of the most energised people I know

A lot of people espouse the importance of time management. But I’ve always found this uninspiring and impossible to follow. What I found over years of figuring this stuff out, was that managing one’s energy is way more powerful. At least, focus on optimising your energy first &m...

4 Mental Habits That Will Make You More Productive

In other words, you can learn all the best productivity frameworks, techniques, and strategies in the world, but if you’re at war with your own mind, you’ll always struggle to get things done. Genuine productivity comes from training your mind and emotions to support your work, not ...

4 Habits of Emotionally Healthy People

Most people react to painful emotions in one of two ways: Escape. We try to avoid or outrun our difficult feelings by distracting ourselves — often with something like social media or food. At the extreme end of this strategy, some people are so hell-bent on avoiding difficult feeli...

4 Habits Confident People Avoid

Confidence is one of those things you can’t really get directly. You can’t just try to be confident any more than you can try to be happy. In fact, sometimes this direct approach to seeking confidence can backfire: You’re so worried about being more confident, tha...

4 Habits of Emotionally Strong People

Most people hear the term emotionally strong and assume that it means the ability to ignore your emotions or not feel them. But that’s dead wrong… Emotional strength isn’t about getting rid of difficult feelings — it means you know how to respond to them in a he...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

1. Gratitude I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so ...

14 habits that make you more focused than 98% of people

What’s the deal with staying focused? Here are some ideas I’ve picked up over decades of procrastination and spreading myself too thin: 1. Know the difference between being overloaded and overwhelmed. When we’re overloaded, we need to do less. When we’re overwhelmed,...

Seven habits of the most energised people I know

A lot of people espouse the importance of time management. But I’ve always found this uninspiring and impossible to follow. What I found over years of figuring this stuff out, was that managing one’s energy is way more powerful. At least, focus on optimising your energy first &m...

5 Mentally Comforting Habits That Actually Drain You

My grandpa dropped a truth bomb that hit right in the gut. He said, “Champ if you don’t change your (bad) habits on time, they will change your time.” And then he looked me dead in the eye and asked, “How are you feeling today?” I had heard that question a million...

2-Minute Rule to Become a Master at Coding — Atomic Habits

Have you ever started watching an online video tutorial and, in the middle of that video, the tutorial becomes boring for you? Or you always tell yourself that this time you’re going to finish an online course, but when you sit down and start learning, it feels like any other tedious task like...

Building Habits Suck; Do This Instead for More Successful & Happy Days

Do you remember the time when we were kids? Yes, the time when we were always told ‘what we should and shouldn’t do.’ At that time, I used to wish to be an adult to do whatever I liked without my parents yelling at me. Now that I have become an adult, I often find...

5 Habits of Highly Focused People

The biggest reason people struggle to focus is that they don’t understand what focus really is. Most of us think about focus like willpower — the effort you apply to keep your mind on one thing when it wants to go somewhere else. But this is only a tiny part of focus — and by fa...

4 Mental Habits That Will Make You More Productive

In his classic book on peak performance, Timothy Gallwey wrote: Neither mastery nor satisfaction can be found in the playing of any game without giving some attention to the relatively neglected skills of the inner game. This is the game that takes place in the mind of the player, and it is pla...

6 Habits that are Hindering your Productivity

We all have distractions and hobbies that hinder our progress and keep us from reaching our goals. It’s fine to have such moments if you are able to identify these patterns and take actionable steps at the correct time. I’ve compiled a list of common unproductive habits and strateg...

4 Habits Confident People Avoid

Confidence is one of those things you can’t really get directly. You can’t just try to be confident any more than you can try to be happy. In fact, sometimes this direct approach to seeking confidence can backfire: You’re so worried about being more confident, tha...

7 Hardest Habits That Pay Off Forever

Habits play an important role in shaping our future, as they can either lead us towards regression or propel us when nurtured wisely. Ultimately, the outcome depends on our choices and the habits we cultivate. In his best book “Atomic Habits,” James Clear states that &ldqu...

3 Habits of Highly Resilient People

For most of us, the idea of resilience conjures up stories of profound heroism in the face of grave injustice — Viktor Frankl surviving the concentration camps or Rosa Parks sitting wherever she damn well pleased. But resilience isn’t always epic. Sometimes it’s quite ...

4 Habits of Emotionally Strong People

Most people hear the term emotionally strong and assume that it means the ability to ignore your emotions or not feel them. But that’s dead wrong… Emotional strength isn’t about getting rid of difficult feelings — it means you know how to respond to them in a he...

Morning Habits of the Longest Living People in the World

Weoften talk about the morning routines of successful people, but it’s equally enlightening to explore how people in unique regions known as the Blue Zones (such as Ikaria, Greece; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; and Nicoya, Costa Rica) kickstart their days. These area...

4 Habits that Will Bring You Inner Peace

We all wish we had a little more inner peace in our lives. After all, it’s hard enough to cope with the stress of workplace politics or family drama when your mind is clear and still. But when you’re trying to do it with a mind that’s buzzing with worries and insecurities, regre...

I Wish Someone Had Told Me About These Life Changing Weight Loss Habits Sooner

When you get into your mid 30’s or early 40s, your metabolism mysteriously throws an anchor overboard and says no way, José. It’s as if every greasy cheeseburger, beer and Galaxy dairy milk chocolate you devour is more challenging to shift than a tenant who stopped paying the r...

4 Daily Habits to Be More Productive

In a world bustling with distractions and demands, the quest for productivity stands as a relentless pursuit. Like a ship navigating the tumultuous sea of daily life, we all seek a guiding star to steer us toward our goals and dreams. But what if I told you that the secret to unshakable productiv...

5 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Life

I used to suffer from a lot of bad habits. Some of them honestly did ruin my life. Why? Because I didn’t think anything was wrong. My life was terrible, yet I clung to my bad habits like a magnet. I’ve learnt the lessons the hard way so you don’t have to. In this ...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

1. Gratitude I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so ...

3 Destructive Habits That Might Be Slowing You Down in Life

Habits, as we’ve recently come to realize, have a profound impact on our lives. They shape our actions, mold our character, and ultimately determine our success or failure. Whether you’re aware of these habits or not, they can silently sabotage your progress and hinder your ability to...

5 Tiny Habits That Will Transform Your Year

Hey gals! As many of you know, I’m always on the hunt for simple strategies to make daily life more meaningful and productive. This year, I’ve discovered the power of microhabits — tiny habits you can implement every single day. I know we’re all busy — whether ...

14 habits that make you more focused than 98% of people

What’s the deal with staying focused? Here are some ideas I’ve picked up over decades of procrastination and spreading myself too thin: 1. Know the difference between being overloaded and overwhelmed. When we’re overloaded, we need to do less. When we’re overwhelmed,...

Here’s How to Quit Bad Habits.

Introduction: My dear friends, have you ever desired a change because you felt imprisoned in an unbreakable habit cycle? Not just you, either. In this trip, we’ll delve into the intriguing science of habits, including how they develop and, more importantly, how to harness this power to...

5 Tiny Habits to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

Most people think time is your most precious resource. It’s not. It’s your energy. If you’re tired, sick, or unable to move without pain, having time won’t necessarily help. Instead, you’ll wish you had more energy to actually ...

5 Stoic Habits For Productivity.

Productivity leads you to get more work done. Being consistent and more productive will lead you to success. Staying productive in this generation could be challenging because many distractions are in the way. At any given time, seemingly ten different things are fighting for your attention. If you&...

20 Time-Wasting Habits That Derail Your Day

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people seem to accomplish so much more than others. The difference often lies in how time is managed. In this article, we’ll explore 20 common time-wasting habits that can disrupt your day and provide insights on how to avoid them...

9 Quick Journaling Habits That Actually Help Me Focus and Get Things Done

I have six years’ worth of journals stacked up in my closet. I know… I’m a maniac. Why did I get into journaling? Honestly, I don’t remember. I knew some seriously successful people journaled, which was good enough for me. Either it was a coincidence that Marc...

I Saved Over 20 Hours a Week with These 5 habits

You undoubtedly use your phone throughout the day if you're anything like me. But when we claim that we don't have time, we mean that we don't prioritize the things that are truly important to us. I made a change last year and adopted five modest habits that saved me a ton of tim...

21 Tiny Habits to Supercharge Your Productivity and Save Time

In our fast-paced world, time is precious and often in short supply. But here’s the good news: with a few simple yet powerful habits, you can reclaim valuable hours in your day and supercharge your productivity. In this blog, we’ll unveil 21 game-changing habits that can save you more th...

4 Unsexy One-Minute Habits That Save Me 30+ Hours Every Week

You don’t lack time. You just waste most of it on useless busyness. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept this. An average user spends two and a half hours daily on social media in 2022. As of 2020, Netflix users watched an average of 3.2 hours of vide...

20 habits of high-performing leadership teams

Here are 14 signs that your leadership team might not actually be a well-functioning team: Being merely a bundle of ‘reporting lines’ without shared work Top leader(s) chairs their meeting and speaks most Constant rabbit-holing and talking past each other Spend most of their ...

Unlocking Rare Habits for Leadership Success

Within leadership, the pursuit of true excellence is often a intimidating challenge. To guide your journey, we will delve deep into four pivotal principles that are relatively uncommon yet exceptionally vital for achieving leadership success. These principles, often overshadowed, off...

5 Habits To Be More Effective

Effectiveness cannot be taught, but it is capable of being learned. Effectiveness is a self-discipline. Effectiveness reveals itself as crucial to a man’s self-development; to organization development; and to the fulfillment and viability of modern society. 1. Record where the time go...

11 Habits to Increase Your Willpower

Improving willpower is the surest way to a better life. Most major problems, personal and social, center on failure of self-control: compulsive spending and borrowing, impulsive violence, underachievement in school, procrastination at work, alcohol and drug abuse, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise...

Summary of: “7 habits of highly effective people” by Stephan R. Covey

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey provides a transformative guide for personal and professional success. It emphasizes proactive thinking, prioritization, effective communication, collaboration, and personal growth. Covey’s seven habits—being proacti...

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

“James Clear’s ground-breaking book “Atomic Habits” examines the psychology and science of habits and provides helpful advice on creating positive habits and breaking negative ones. Clear offers a thorough guide to comprehending and changing habits by drawing on a variety of ...

10 Habits of Billionaires: Secrets to Success

Billionaires aren’t just swimming in pools of cash; they’re also diving headfirst into the ocean of knowledge! These high-rollers are insatiably curious, like a kid in a candy store with an unlimited allowance. They’ve got a thirst for learning that cou ld rival a camel’s for...

The Unexpected Reason Some Individuals Stay Slim Despite Their Eating Habits

Previous studies have explored the connection between genetic alterations and obesity, but this one is noteworthy in that it is among the first to focus on genes that have been associated with thinness. The findings appear to indicate that it is indeed possible to pass down a limited nu...

Can These 8 Habits Really Add 20 Years to Your Life?

New research promises eye-popping life extension for people who adopt one or more of eight healthy behaviors collectively called lifestyle medicine. The projections are so astounding — up to 20 years or more of additional life — that one might question their veracity and wonder if i...

10 Unhealthy Habits to Quit for a Better Life:

What good will talking about how ill-fitting Jane’s dress is or how Rose’s relationships never last? Gossiping does not only dampen the mood but it also repels people from you. I know you are only trying to get people to see how horrible your boss is by highlighting all their flaws and a...

The eight subtle habits of the calmest people I know

I had a great childhood, but I was quick to anger and would often throw tantrums. This reactivity manifested as fidgety overthinking and anxiety in later life. It took years for me to see the connection between being overly reactive and quick to judge, and the distress I’d feel as a resu...

Nine subtle habits of the most authentic people I know

I struggled to be what people call ‘authentic’ for a long time because I didn’t know who I was, nor did I often trust who I was. I was in my head, second-guessing my decisions and behaviours. This came across as a little awkward, and sometimes I’d force things, so I came o...

3 Surprising Habits That Fuel Anxiety and How to Break Free

Imagine that it's early morning, and you wake up feeling a familiar knot of anxiety in your stomach. The worries from yesterday flood your mind, and you can already feel the weight of the day ahead. How are these anxious feelings so persistent, even when you try your best to push them away...

How to Change — The Only Guide to Fix Your Habits You Will Ever Need.

When we want to change our behavior, there are 3 levels where we can do so. Outcomes: changing your results, e.g. losing weight. Most of the goals you set are at this level Process: changing your habits and systems, Most of the habits you build live at this level Identity: changing your bel...

Familiar Habits that Make You Depressed

No one feels good all the time. But, depressed people’s joy is significantly compromised. There is a sense of emotional unease even when life is going well. They don’t necessarily express sadness. Instead, their emotions may externalize as anger, pessimism, or apathy. Depressed people...

10 Clever Habits of Models

 Prioritize Sleep: Beauty sleep is not just a myth — it’s a model’s secret weapon. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7–9 hours of sleep per night to rejuvenate skin cells and banish dark circles. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading a book ...

These 4 Skin Habits Makes You Age Faster | Health Series pt1.

This is the first post on our health series from experts. Eight bad skincare habits and how to fix them. You’ve tried every trick written in the beauty Bible. You wash your face before bedtime, apply anti-aging cream to each wrinkle, and switch skincare products so often that you’re sure...

How the book “Atomic Habits” will help you improve your English

Hey friends, how are you? My name is Thaíssa, and I’m here to talk about the book “Atomic habits” and how can you use this book that was written by James Clear, specifically to improve your English. Atomic habits talk about how to build good habits and break bad ones. But...