The Unexpected Reason Some Individuals Stay Slim Despite Their Eating Habits

<p>Previous studies have explored&nbsp;<strong>the connection between genetic alterations and obesity,</strong>&nbsp;but this one is noteworthy in that it is among the first to focus on genes that have been associated with thinness.</p> <p>The findings appear to indicate that it is indeed possible to pass down a limited number of genes, or to put it another way,&nbsp;<strong>a lack of genes related to obesity.</strong></p> <p>Sadaf Farooqi, from the University of Cambridge in the UK, states that for the first time, this research indicates that&nbsp;<strong>healthy thin individuals are typically thin due to a lower amount of genes that can lead to an individual being overweight,</strong>&nbsp;not because of being morally superior, as some may assume.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Eating Habits