4 Habits to Stay Calm in Stressful Times

<p>During tough times, it&rsquo;s easy to get lost in spirals of stress and anxiety &mdash; endlessly worrying about the future, obsessively ruminating on the past, procrastinating on the goals that matter most.</p> <p>Unfortunately, many of the habits we fall into during times of stress only make our stress worse in the long-run:</p> <ul> <li>Worry leads to panic and chronic anxiety.</li> <li>Rumination leads to self-doubt and depression.</li> <li>Procrastination leads to shame and low self-esteem.</li> </ul> <p>And guess what happens to stress when you multiply it by anxiety, depression, and shame? That&rsquo;s right: it gets worse &mdash; a lot worse.</p> <p>But here&rsquo;s the silver lining:</p> <p><strong>While bad habits intensify stress, good habits shield you from it.</strong></p> <p>Which means if you want to deal with stress in a healthy way, you need to build better habits. You need habits that buffer you from stress before it takes hold, keeping your mind calm and your focus sharp.</p> <p>What follows are 4 habits that will help you keep your head when it feels like the world is going to pieces around you.</p> <h1>1. Manage your stressors, not your stress</h1> <p>Because I&rsquo;m a psychologist, people are especially shocked when they hear me say that&nbsp;<em>stress management</em>&nbsp;is usually a waste of time.</p> <p><a href="https://nickwignall.medium.com/4-habits-to-stay-calm-in-stressful-times-ac532bc7a7b5">Read More</a></p>