14 habits that make you more focused than 98% of people

<p>What&rsquo;s the deal with staying focused?</p> <p>Here are some ideas I&rsquo;ve picked up over decades of procrastination and spreading myself too thin:</p> <h1>1. Know the difference between being overloaded and overwhelmed.</h1> <p>When we&rsquo;re overloaded, we need to do less. When we&rsquo;re overwhelmed, we need to think less and do more.</p> <h1>2. Continually ask: &lsquo;how can I do more with less?&rsquo;</h1> <p>Then apply your answers to your life.</p> <h1>3. Be ruthlessly intolerant to multitasking.</h1> <p>Trying to do more than one thing at a time massively decreases your effectiveness at any one thing.</p> <p>Do one thing at a time.</p> <h1>4. Write your goals down every day.</h1> <p>The act of physically writing them, whether short-term &lsquo;process&rsquo; goals like writing daily or longer-term goals, cements them in your awareness.</p> <h1>5. Rely less on stimulants for focus and more on your default natural focus.</h1> <p>Most of us are so jacked up on sugar, carbs and coffee that we forget what effortless focus really is.</p> <h1>6. Prioritise enjoyment.</h1> <p>You can&rsquo;t outwork someone who is enjoying themselves.</p> <p>The most in-flow productive people find a way to enjoy what they&rsquo;re doing, no matter what.</p> <p><a href="https://iamalexmathers.medium.com/14-shabits-that-make-you-more-focused-than-98-of-people-1fd9e40093ff"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Habits Focused