3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

<h1>1. Gratitude</h1> <p>I have a friend who, no matter how much you&rsquo;ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn&rsquo;t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before.</p> <p>Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so I distanced myself from him.</p> <p>I believe even God would feel the same way.</p> <p>If we approach God without taking a moment to express gratitude for what he has already done for us, we come across as ungrateful little brats!</p> <p>I would hate for God to perceive me that way.</p> <p>So, despite the darkness looming over me or the things I desperately need in my life, I approach God with a grateful heart and start my prayers by expressing gratitude for the blessings I already have.</p> <p>And you know what happens when I do this?</p> <p>It&rsquo;s like my other friend who always shows appreciation when you do something good for her. She acknowledges what you&rsquo;ve done in the past before asking for more.</p> <p>So sometimes, I already know what she needs and I provide it without her even asking. As a result, she never has to ask for anything because her needs are always met.</p> <p>I believe God in heaven would feel the same way.</p> <p>When we&rsquo;re grateful for what has already been done for us, it becomes easier for others to continue doing good things for us.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/3-spiritual-habits-that-changed-my-life-right-before-my-eyes-a01668c3c12c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>