Nine daily habits of the most determined people I know

<p>When you ask most people who accomplished incredible things what made the most significant contribution, you&rsquo;ll find a common answer:</p> <h1>Determination.</h1> <p>No one is determined all the time. We all suffer setbacks and moments of doubt. But we can nurture a determined spirit that carries us over the long term.</p> <p>These are the habits shared by the most determined people:</p> <h1>Honour their commitments.</h1> <p>Commitments&nbsp;drive their lives, as does the need to follow through with what they said they would do.</p> <p>They create commitments and do whatever it takes to fulfil these contracts and live with integrity.</p> <p>They hire coaches to help maximise their support and accountability with commitments if they can.</p> <h1>Write their goals down.</h1> <p>The practice of physically writing goals down daily is a secret of the determined.</p> <p>They know that the act of putting exciting targets down is invigorating and foundational to living one&rsquo;s purpose. Purpose is not lived tomorrow. It is created today.</p> <p>Writing sets this reality in motion, and keeps it moving.</p> <p>Michael Neill described the power of goals in a way I loved: &lsquo;creating goals help you fall more deeply in love with life.&rsquo;</p> <h1>Prioritise the &lsquo;non-negotiables.&rsquo;</h1> <p>Many people burn out or quit because they neglect their need to maintain high energy levels.</p> <p>We can become so focused on a target that we fail to care for what we need the most: our energised selves. Determined people identify the essential habits they can&rsquo;t go without. This might be a daily walk, reading for an hour, or meditation.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>