4 Mental Habits That Will Make You More Productive

<p>In other words, you can learn all the best productivity frameworks, techniques, and strategies in the world, but if you&rsquo;re at war with your own mind, you&rsquo;ll always struggle to get things done.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>Genuine productivity comes from training your mind and emotions to support your work, not more productivity hacks.</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>If you want to stop procrastinating and become more consistently productive, work to build these 4 mental habits.</p> <h1>1. Self-compassion</h1> <p>Nothing will kill your productivity faster than a habit of judgmentalness and self-criticism.</p> <p>Unfortunately, most of us grow up learning that the only way to motivate yourself to get things done and be productive is to be hard on ourselves.</p> <p>I call this&nbsp;<em>the Drill Sergeant Theory of Motivation</em>. Like the hard-ass drill sergeant hurling insults and put-downs at his new recruits in order to &ldquo;make men out of them,&rdquo; most of us learn that if we&rsquo;re not tough on ourselves about our work, we&rsquo;ll end up slacking off or not getting things done.</p> <p><a href="https://nickwignall.medium.com/4-mental-habits-that-will-make-you-more-productive-8a6e0ae5afb">Click Here</a></p>