Seven habits of the most energised people I know

<p>A lot of people espouse the importance of time management.</p> <p>But I&rsquo;ve always found this uninspiring and impossible to follow.</p> <p>What I found over years of figuring this stuff out, was that managing one&rsquo;s energy is way more powerful.</p> <p>At least, focus on optimising your energy first &mdash; as foundational.</p> <p>If you can cut out the stuff that drains your energy and boost those things that do, your time-management tends to sort itself out. You become unstoppable.</p> <p>These are the habits I&rsquo;ve found connect many of the most energised people:</p> <h1>1. Spend a lot of time in physical motion.</h1> <p>How energised we feel is inextricably tied to how aligned we are to our natural behaviours.</p> <p>Humans are not built to handle a modern, sedentary, ginormous ass-in-seat lifestyle. This is the main reason why everyone&rsquo;s depressed these days.</p> <p>Energised people do as our bare-chested ancestors did, and they keep moving. To be honest, I believe we&rsquo;re all nomadic at heart.</p> <p>Continually moving. Motion and exercise get the blood pumping and keep endorphins (happy chemicals) high.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Habits energis