Tag: Tech

Soaps Tech

The Defi world always keeps us surprised. People usually follow the trend to make profit, some just can’t keep up with. Therefore, something revolutionary comes along to change the game. Unlike FriendTech’s Twitter focus, Soaps.Tech enable direct trading of Telegram Community share...

Anduril Interns: Building core tech for 21st century defense

As Kimberly Johnson was thinking about life after the U.S. Army, she became intrigued by user experience and design. “It ticked all my boxes,” Johnson said of the field, which designs software to be efficient and easy to use. It was multidisciplinary and required a diverse skill set. ...

Sit, Siri! Designing Our Tech to Have Good Etiquette

If you’re lucky, you awake in the morning to an overeager puppy who bounds onto your bed with happy yelps and kisses. It’s a pretty welcome start to the day, even when the bounding starts while you’re still half-asleep. Most of us, however, begin our morning with a completely di...

How Toxic Men Want To Make You Believe Women Aren’t Interested in Tech

It’s always men who come into my comments to tell me that women aren’t interested in tech — never women. They like to tell me — a woman — that not having an interest in tech or being unwilling “to do the work,” is why there are so few women in this space....

The Tech Trek: Embrace the Challenges of Becoming a Tech Professional

“Tech is not meant for you.” “You can’t succeed in tech.” “You aren’t even good in Maths” “You are well-known for having bad grades”. Have you ever heard these from someone? Probably from yourself? In my case, it was my own voice in my head...

The Tech Trek: Embrace the Challenges of Becoming a Tech Professional

“Tech is not meant for you.” “You can’t succeed in tech.” “You aren’t even good in Maths” “You are well-known for having bad grades”. Have you ever heard these from someone? Probably from yourself? In my case, it was my own voice in my head...

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Tech

Imagine this: You’re sitting in a room surrounded by brilliant minds discussing the latest tech breakthroughs. As they effortlessly exchange complex ideas, you can’t help but feel a knot of doubt in your stomach. You start thinking to yourself, “Do I really belong here, or am I jus...

6 Essential tech writing tools

Technical writers produce product documents. A better title for technical writers is Documentarians. Most technical writers work in engineering alongside developers, managers, and designers. Technical writing tools are similar to software developer tools. Technical writers that use the docs-as-code ...

I’m Done With Linus Tech Tips

Over the last few days, a number of controversies and situations have exploded around the large tech media company Linus Media Group, which runs several popular YouTube channels including the venerable Linus Tech Tips. If you couldn’t guess from the names of these companies, the face of the...

Over 32,000 new tech workers came to Canada

Over 32,000 new tech workers came to Canada in the past year according to the Technology Councils of North America (TECNA) and Canada’s Tech Network (CTN) have released a report on the migration of tech workers and jobs in Canada. The report found that Between April 2022 and March 2023 over...

The Weirdest Project happening in the Tech World right now

Tools for Humanity is a company co-founded by Sam Altman, the now-infamous CEO of OpenAI (of ChatGPT fame). The premise for the company’s flagship project, WorldCoin, is simple: Exponential improvements in Artificial Intelligence technology will one day lead to the creatio...

Breaking into Tech: An Entry-level Perspective

Job hunting for entry-level engineers in the current tech landscape can be incredibly challenging. It can feel like all the hard work you put into your degree and skill development is suddenly meaningless. Instead, you become just another resume in a sea of applicants. This situation is all too comm...

How you can leverage Topmate.io as a Technical Writer(Not Sponsored! :))

How Topmate.io Can Help You as a Freelancer or Tech Writer Topmate.io is a platform that connects tech writers with clients. It can be a great resource for freelancers and tech writers looking to learn from existing experts, land clients, and improve their skills. Learn from Existing Experts ...

Turn to Stone —  Become a pro by getting jaded by new tech

Harnessing your debate skills makes you change how you experience new products or tools. The “amazing” things they promote, can turn to dust in just a few seconds when you break down their argument. Marketing material is emotional. That’s what makes people consume it. If you wer...

We Don’t Need a Tech Bro President

Earlier this week, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy voluntarily stepped into a massive pile of shit when, while attempting to justify MAGA conspiracy theories about January 6th, he wondered aloud how many federal agents were on the planes that took down the twin towers on 9/11. And then he&...

What Happens When You Analyze Vlad The Impaler’s Letters With Advanced Tech

For the past hundred years or so, we’ve been treated to — or tormented by — a fantastic literary character that’s taken on a life of its own. While many may not know the name Bram Stoker, most know his creation Dracula — even more vampires. But like so many things in...

As Software Engineers, We Should Know Better By Now

Cargo Cult Driven Development has become the norm, it’s only the rituals that change. It’s 2023. People have free and immediate access to a wealth of information that would make any encyclopedia jealous at their fingertips. And still, tech people are still trying to find the magical s...

Why we went all in on Remote Development Environments

Remote Development Environments (RDEs) seem to be all the rage lately. Or maybe it is just selective attention on my side that makes me see RDEs as a topic everywhere since I started thinking about them seriously in the summer of 2022. Back then, I had only a vague understanding of what an RDE is. B...


There’s a gap within everyone, a hole that can only be filled with purpose, and as long as we can keep searching for that fit, that hole always finds its fill. And yes, there would be many obstacles that would hold many down, but not those who persevered towards greatness. Dorcas Abang, tho...

Popular Tech Stacks — Which One to Choose?

Hello, tech enthusiasts! As someone deeply ingrained in the world of coding and app development, I’ve often been asked about the most popular tech stacks and when to use them. So, let’s dive right in. MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) Strengths: The MERN stack is a...

How Non-Technical Founders Build High-Tech Startups Without Going Broke

It seems like anyone with an idea that includes even a brief reference to A.I. is finding their way into investor pockets to launch the machine-assisted version of any task you can think of — from A.I. for coders to A.I. for pets, the possibilities seem limitless right now. Which, of course...

Bridging the Gap in Tech Infrastructure: The Journey of SHVL SOLUTIONS

Hello investors, community members, and everyone who has shown an interest in what we’re up to at SHVL SOLUTIONS. My name is Payton, and I founded this startup with a straightforward yet impactful mission: to accelerate technological development outside major infrastructure hubs through commun...

What Happens When You Analyze Vlad The Impaler’s Letters With Advanced Tech

“I could hear a lot of words often repeated…so I quietly got my polyglot dictionary from my bag and looked them out. I must say they were not cheering to me, for amongst them were “Ordog” — Satan, “pokol” — hell, “stregoica” — witc...

We Don’t Need a Tech Bro President

Earlier this week, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy voluntarily stepped into a massive pile of shit when, while attempting to justify MAGA conspiracy theories about January 6th, he wondered aloud how many federal agents were on the planes that took down the twin towers on 9/11. And then he&...

New Principal, Mr. Sosa, Reveals Plans for Sci-Tech High School’s 2023–2024 Year

Mr. Sosa, our new principal for the upcoming academic year, has unveiled several exciting initiatives designed to improve student life at Sci-Tech High School. In a recent interview, Mr. Sosa highlighted these changes, including the introduction of “MEGAlunch” and “Ravens&r...

Light vs Darkness: A Nigerian’s Tech Story

For the best part of the last 7 years, I have been on my tech journey. It’s been a topsy turvy ride. Starting out as a mere repairer and fixer of some sorts, before finding my footing in graphics design which I learned and mastered for about 5 years until now, I began coding in 2019, but the d...

Can a Notepad Be the Most Rebellious Tech of 2023?

This afternoon, I stumbled across an almost blasphemous YouTube video by a young man named Austin Schrock titled, “This pocket notebook is (slowly) replacing my phone (2023)” and I wondered: In an era dominated by touch screens and voice commands, could there really be a pal...

A.I., Tech Revolutions & Society

Itwouldn’t be unreasonable to think that with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney etc., that AI is currently, or about to, completely and utterly change the world. On an almost daily basis we see news headlines forecasting massive job losses, business will n...

Tech Tackling: Modern Tools for Time Management

Time management, particularly in the current digital age, has become a central theme in both our professional and personal lives. Technology, with all its advancements, has given us a multitude of instruments to achieve more significant effectiveness and efficiency in managing our time. Let us explo...

It’s time for the tech industry to live up to its ideals

It’s no secret that the tech industry prides itself on its altruism. You’ve probably heard Google’s former informal motto, “Don’t be evil,” but it is far from unique: most tech companies have lofty ideals baked into their mission statements, their marketing campai...

Empowering Female Tech Executives: Career Advancement Coaching by Advant Coaching

In the ever-evolving landscape of the tech industry, women have been making remarkable strides, breaking through glass ceilings and proving their mettle as leaders. However, gender disparities persist, particularly at the executive level. Recognizing the need for gender diversity in tech leadership,...

What do great tech teams look like?

Over the last several years leading and building teams, I noticed a pattern that distinguishes great engineering teams from average ones. There is a lot of information on how to make great teams. However, it’s tough to build processes and frameworks without knowing what great actually looks li...

New Tech Won’t Fix Bad Management

This post is going to be a little different as I’ve got a bone to pick. I’m wrapping up a consulting gig where I was brought in to review system architecture and scope out the development of a team to support it. I’ve now firmly concluded something which I’d started to identi...

Hard Truths About Tech Leadership

Congratulations on your promotion or hiring as a manager! This new journey will be a thrilling adventure, but it’s filled with challenges and learning curves. Let’s chart the course for successful leadership together. If you are new to tech leadership this article is for you. 1. Embra...

Future Tech and Projects

If you follow anything to do with games, you will know that Unity made some questionable choices giving us a push to look at other tech. Firstly a disclaimer. This article and the contents is coming purely with my Beehive Games hat on, not my day to day job. At time of writing, professionally we ...

Emerging Tech & Hype Cycles

Emerging tech often goes through cycles of hype, disappointment, and eventually, real-world use. This path is well outlined by the Gartner Hype Cycle. As a Web3 consultant, the questions I’m asked usually reflect the stages in this cycle. Web3, driven by blockchain, is on this journey with ...

Guilt-Free Tech

Since freeing myself from my obsession with technology, something I spoke about in my post Loosening The Grip Of My Tech Obsession, I wanted to go over some gadgets that provide guilt-free pleasure. Over the years, I have tried to be better about using and enjoying my devices as they are instea...

Predicting the Next Decade’s Top Tech Paradises

While mega-cities like San Francisco, Tokyo, and Bangalore race at breakneck speeds, a few cities will consciously decelerate. Think of them as the tech world’s equivalent of the “slow food” movement. Places like Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Reykjavik, Iceland,&nbs...

Top 7 Tech Certifications for 2024

As someone deeply entrenched in the tech industry, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of certifications. My journey, which began with Amazon Web Services (AWS), led me to obtain all 12 AWS certifications within just one year of joining the tech giant. But that’s just th...

Abu Dhabi Puts Forward Legal Framework for Decentralized Tech

Authorities in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as well as an individual emirate within it, have published a proposed legislative framework for distributed ledger technology. ©Pexels/redouan khoulassi The consultation paper, titled “Proposal for a legisla...

30 popular tech companies to work for in The Netherlands

Startups, Scaleups, Agencies and other tech companies; all of them are craving for the best talent to fuel their growth. In order attract the best, tech companies are doing everything they can. Some are able to actually compete with large corporates in terms of salary, while others try to steal peop...

Celo & Tech Trek ’19 | Experiencing Remote Collaboration

First of all, massive apologies for my inconsistency in keeping this blog posted during the Silicon Valley trip. Lesson learned: driving is tiring enough to drain your batteries before you sit down in front of your computer and try to put into words what we experienced during the day....

How one woman in tech screwed up diversity on her very own team…

“Where are all the women?” is a common question asked at tech conferences. It was also one of the first questions #Batch122 student, Carly Petracco, asked when she joined our bootcamp in January this year. I felt defensive and thought to myself, “I am here”. I am a woman...

How I Decided on Which Melbourne Tech Bootcamp To Attend

Le Wagon was still fairly new in Melbourne. I didn’t have confidence that the 8 week course would be enough time. I talked to people who were graduating who didn’t seem to do it to get a job but more to gain technical skills. I was wanting to get a job so Le Wagon didn’t seem like ...

7 Melbourne Tech Companies With Software Engineering Grad Programs

Wanting to go to a company that had strong mentoring was what my bootcamp cohort and I all had in common in our job search. Which is incredibly hard to find. Here’s a list of the programs, where mentorship is built in. With added information on when applications open, when it s...

The State of Miami Tech (1/3): Who is Wynwood Tech ?

Miami Tech is a dark place to many outsiders. It is seen as a place with missing work ethic, lack of know-how, an inability to execute, and a sense of self entitlement. This is accurate in many levels and has been best summarized as: “A sunny place, with shady people”. It is al...

Miami Tech Week

This past week, I attended Miami Tech Week on behalf of my startup, Determinant Materials. Created last year on an impromptu basis on Twitter, this was the second year of the tech week and my first year attending. And I must say, it did not disappoint! The US technology, startup, and invest...

Why did I, a tech manager, get an MBA?

In this story, I’ll share with you what led me to seek an MBA program, which data I based my decision on and how I chose the structure of the program. My background is in Software Engineering, I have spent the first 8 years of my professional life serving in an elite computer unit in the mi...

Prague: A Potential Tech Giant?

Prague enjoys a recipe of economic, social and geographical conditions that is a huge draw for startups and entrepreneurs. In a study by the international consultancy company Arcadis, it was ranked the second best city to live and do business in Central and Southeast Europe. Its corporate tax levels...

11 Tips for Dating a Tech Bro

Have you been swiping through dating apps for days and days and days? And weeks and weeks and weeks? I lived in San Francisco for three years, and yes, at some point, I did date a tech bro. Then I dated about 12 more. Dating in Silicon Valley is tough, and not just because your date might be late du...

Re-Building a “Dead” Tech Community

In 2018 I wrote a blog post about learning and teaching Ruby long after the (local) tech world considered it a dead language. For all my love for Ruby and Rails, one thing that was sorely missing was an active, local community in Tel Aviv. Fast forward to 2022, and a few weeks ago I att...

The Exhaustive Tel Aviv Tech Resource List

Tel Aviv is the capital of Startup Nation. No other city in the world can match its density of cutting edge innovators and events per square meter. This means each night in bars, incubators, co-working spaces, schools, VC/startup/unicorn/billion dollar company offices all around the city there ar...

7 Tips For Your Israeli High-tech Resume That Will Get You Hired

There are infinite people applying for jobs here in Israel, and as we mentioned in previous posts, having someone directly introduce you to HR makes all the difference! For real, you should go to as many social, business, & educational events as possible. Do your best to connect with p...

Tokyo Tech: A City Embracing Change

Japan has long been a leader in technological adoption and innovation. For example, they were the second nation after Canada to adopt a national AI strategy, which was released in March of 2017. And while the country’s record around venture capital investment isn’t as good as others, it ...

Tech Japan, an HR Tech Startup introducing Highly Intellectual Talents in the Digital arena from India, will be exhibiting in partnership with City-Tech.Tokyo, one of the largest city tech events in the world.

Tech Japan, Inc.(Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Naotaka Nishiyama), an HR Tech Startup specializing in highly skilled Indian talent in the technology sector, is pleased to announce to be as an ambassador company and exhibit at the global innovation event “City-Tech.Tokyo”, held at the Tokyo Internat...

Toronto is a Key Region For Hard Tech Startups

This is the 4th of a series of posts about Boston, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Toronto, relevant East Coast & Midwest startup hubs for active early-stage hard tech investors. My purpose is to share a few impressions for a glimpse of the current state of Robotics, AI & AV star...

Three decades ago I rambled about an AI & green tech-led Utopia. Now it’s happening.

We were standing around my friend’s kitchen while he and his scientist wife prepared the meal. It was the mid-1990s. She commented about the hopelessness of attempting to solve climate change. I reflected that the world could readily switch to 100% green energy, up GDP by 10x through AI ...

Wearable Tech for Hikers: Revolutionizing Outdoor — Exploring Nature’s Beauty

The world of hiking is evolving rapidly with the advent of wearable technology. Gone are the days when a map and compass were the only navigational tools. Today, wearable tech for hikers offers unparalleled advantages, from GPS navigation to fitness tracking, significantly enhancing outdoor experien...

The tech future has unfolded (almost) *exactly* as we had foreseen

I can prove some of this if I had to, in my case. And I’m not really trying to show off. It’s more about how predictable (some) tech journeys can and should be. (And yet how, to make it interesting, some of it was impossible to predict). From day one back in the early 1990s many of...

Vechain Tech Update Series — December Edition: VeWorld, VORJ, Rewards Platform, Nodes, New dApp Kit & More

Our Technology team has been working tirelessly throughout 2023 to deliver our vision of a robust, well-rounded developer ecosystem ahead of some major ecosystem upgrades taking place in early 2024. These new tools, products and services continue to expand the capabilities of the VechainThor bloc...

What could possibly drive positive change in the tech industry?

The one thing we need to know about a business: it exists to make profit. Since profit comes from selling products and services (from now on I’m just gonna use “products”), companies need to offer something people are willing to use or pay for. And therein lies the motiv...

Unlocking the Value of your Old Tech with Gizmogo

In a world where technology evolves at a lightning pace, our shelves are often left cluttered with the remnants of gadgets from days gone by. The big question then arises: What do I do with my old tech gadgets? Fear not, as Gizmogo emerges as the beacon of sustainability in the ever-changing tech la...

For a young tech worker: Traditional or Roth 401(k)?

The more I researched about retirement accounts, the more confusing things seemed to get. There are IRA accounts, which also offer both traditional and Roth options. There are a plethora of rules on withdrawal and income limitations, and every article offering advice tells you to speak with a financ...

Investing: the AI tech boom will be different

compared to the relatively few — and expensive — commercially available computers at the time. I had professional experience with these machines, programming Apple II and Apple III computers part time while completing my undergrad. But I was also dirt poor, so si...

“Cracking the Code: A Non-Techie’s Odyssey in the Tech Jungle”

Embarking on a journey in the tech world as a non-technical person was akin to stepping into an unfamiliar terrain — a jungle of acronyms, coding languages, and algorithms. As someone with a background in the liberal arts, the realm of technology seemed like a distant and mysterious land. Litt...

Building a more inclusive tech future

Technology has the potential to catalyze positive societal change, however it can also exacerbate existing gender inequities and economic inequalities. Here are some of the key challenges that lie ahead and solutions that can help make technology more inclusive for all of us. Women do not have eq...

There are Consequences for Everyone when Companies Ignore Diversity in Tech

I once asked my CIO at a round table, if the company had a plan to increase diversity in our IT teams. He said, ”No.” PERIOD. That’s it. No discussion, not even a token pretend statement about valuing diversity. In fact, it was clear he did not value diversity. H...

10 Organizations Championing Girls & Women in Tech

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, women are harnessing their brilliance to redefine the industry’s narrative. From coding to cybersecurity, data science to design, women are making impactful strides and shaping the tech world into a more diverse and inclusive space. In this blog po...

Google Tech Equity Collective Rising Innovators: Ep 13: Wait! There’s Cybersecurity Too

Cybersecurity is based on anomaly detection which is based on statistics. There are 3 standard deviations in normal distribution. 1 standard deviation covers 68% of the distribution. 2 standard deviations cover 95.5% of the distribution. 3 standard deviations cover 99.7%. Anomaly detection covers th...

Why has Yassir launched a tech hub in Berlin?

Our Berlin office is home to a rapidly growing number of incredible teams who strive to live the mission of Yassir: to make the life of Africans easier (in Arabic Yassir means Easy). Situated literally on the Berlin Wall, the office is rich not only with History but also with the divers...

A Beginner’s Pathway to a Career in Tech: Apprenticeship

hey’ve never written a line of code in their lives. A year ago, Intuit became a founding partner with AnitaB.org and Treehouse to launch a new apprenticeship program called Intuit Career Pathways. The premise was simple: we’d give participants an acc...

15 Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Slack Communities to Follow if you Work in Tech

Communities in slack are steadily growing day over day, boasting 44+ million daily active users across the globe! Especially in this time of remote work and social distancing, Slack helps small and large teams improve their productivity by acting as a hub of communication and transparent information...

Google Tech Equity Collective Rising Innovators: Ep. 11: Doing The Math

As you know I am currently in the Black Genius Academy, which is an offshoot of the Google Tech Equity Prep program. Since being invited to the beta program, the Black Genius Academy is now in general availability accepting applications from everyone. I am currently on module 2 of the on-demand l...

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Have a BDR (Bachelor’s Degree Requirement) For Your BDR Job…or just about any job in tech.

Degrees are almost entirely unrelated to whether someone can do the job. Frankly, this one seems sufficient on its own. Keep scrolling if you’re already convinced… But seriously, who the fuck cares whether someone went to college! Even if you’re running a Belgian waffle eating/...

My Journey to Thriving in Tech as a Woman

The tech industry can be overwhelming with intimidating men, making you doubt your talent, voice, and overall existence. You must get past that (which, btw, can be very challenging), be heard, and confidently express your opinion. People will often think you’re wrong, but I’ve realize...

My Journey In Tech: A Filipino-American Woman’s Perspective

Inthe Fall of 2017, I took an introductory computer science (CS) course, CS 1110, with Professor Walker White and immediately became more interested in CS. Before Walker White started his lectures, I always looked around to find my kababayans, or my fellow Filipinos, in CS 1110 without much luck. I ...

The Importance of Diversity In Tech

The earliest airbags that graced the automobiles of the American auto-industry ended up contradicting their purpose of saving lives when they wound up killing many women and children. The reason? The all-male teams of engineers that worked on the devices had failed to account for the smaller frames ...

I’m Sick of “Women in Tech” Spaces

I’ve sent emails like this one before. I’ve had many, many conversations that sound like reading out this email. I’ve asked so many event and group organizers if the women’s group is open to non-binary folks, and gotten a variety of responses. Sometimes people respond &rdq...

Black Girls in Tech x ASOS Event

If you’ve not heard of Black Girls in Tech before, they were founded with the purpose of becoming a community for Black women. Their aim is to provide a community, resources, and opportunities to Black women in tech and those who want to get into tech, they’re dedicated to incr...

The Audacity of the White Savior: A Ten Point Commentary List on DEI, Privilege, and the Wasted Utility of Allyship in Tech Workplaces

Something does not simply become illogical just because you don’t understand it. It is okay to have an opinion, all the better to voice it. Your opinion can also be dangerous and weaponized, especially without corresponding information. You may or may not need to choose your words wisely...

Real Equity is Essential to the Future of Tech

We are at a crossroads moment when it comes to the way we think about business ethics and leadership in tech. Tech is a microcosm of the current state of our country: it is beholden to the same systemic and institutionalized practices that have harmed underrepresented communities. However, given the...

4 Meetups That Helped Me Grow as A Woman of Color in Tech

I took a leap and left my full-time job as an email marketer, to work to pursue software engineering! This summer I kicked off my engineering career as a Full Stack Engineering Intern at Meetup with the Meetups at WeWork team; we are responsible for allowing organizers to seamles...

How to Make Tech Talent Hiring Better (for candidates & companies)!

Intuit’s ability to drive innovation, achieve technological excellence, and fulfill our mission to our customers is rooted in our global engineering culture. That makes hiring one of the most important things we do. As with product development, we continuously tune Intuit’s appro...

From neurodiversity to neurospreading: major new research highlights the need for more action on inclusion in the tech sector

Many businesses state that they’re doing great work when it comes to EDI (equity, diversity and inclusion), but the truth is that disability is often missing from the conversation, let alone the strategy. So when I got an invitation to attend an event on Tuesday morning focusing on neurodivers...

Tech in law firms: trends and challenges

Law firms have long been slow in responding to technology-driven changes because of their risk-averse nature. But it seems that things start moving as we see an increase in LegalTech investments. The proof comes from Gartner. In their recent research, Gartner predicts that the proportion of ...

What the [Heck] is Legal Tech?

In 2023, and soon-to-be 2024, it is critical for most employees to have a basic level of technological competency. Lawyers and law students are no different. When I began my law school journey 2.5 years ago, I was mainly concerned with whether I would grasp easily onto black-letter law. Contracts, P...

The Best Legal Tech Blogs and Resources by Experts in the Field

This article is devoted to top online resources from North America and England where lawyers, attorneys, and legal tech experts can gain knowledge about legal news, technological advances, and progress within their sphere. ​​​​At a time when clients want to work with the most “moder...

Meet the 27 startups pioneering the Justice Tech market

Over the last few years, the legaltech market has blossomed. It’s seen both a meteoric rise in the number of legal tech startups, as well as VC funding of those startups, culminating in over $1B of investment in late 2020. This influx is terrific for modernizing the legal services industr...

Law & AI: Navigating the Legal Tech Revolution

“Sixty percent of attorneys reported this summer that they’ve used generative AI.” — Bloomberg That’s right. More than half of the attorneys out there have jumped on the AI bandwagon. If you practice law and you’re not one of them, you might be missing out...

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Black Americans in Tech

Introduction: Imagine a tech world as diverse as the society it serves. Today, we’re far from this vision. Black Americans, comprising 13% of the U.S. workforce, hold just 4% of tech roles​​. This disparity highlights the critical need for increased participation of Black Americans in t...

Why Is the Tech-Driven Symphony of Eco-Friendly Urban Planning Important?

1.Smart Infrastructure Revolution: Smart infrastructure plays a significant role in the grand symphony of urban planning. Intelligent technologies that adapt to the changing needs of urban areas are being integrated into everything from sophisticated waste management systems to clever energy ne...

How I cracked the EB1A Green Card as a Product Manager in Health Tech

I came to the United States in 2009 and despite receiving two engineering degrees in the USA, paying a few hundred thousand dollars in college tuition, and kick-starting my tech career in the silicon valley in 2015, I knew so little about how complex the employment-based immigration process was. Rig...

What does Tech Justice look like in the UK? | An Introduction

Thanks to the likes of Butler and Monáe, my own interest in science fiction has started to pique. As someone whose work is entirely pre-occupied with matters of social justice, and the intersections of race, class, gender and state violence, in many ways, engaging with an Afro-futurist future...

Dithering Digest #14 — Weekly Tech Roundup

Welcome to issue #14 of the Dithering Digest Weekly Tech Roundup of geeky news and links. More software breaches, some cool AI updates and tricorders just around the corner? Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the links. P.S If you enjoy the digest, please leave a comment or clap for the artic...

Tech and Health: Unraveling the Potential Links Between Technology and Cancer

In the contemporary world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing how we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. However, as our dependence on technology grows, so do concerns about its impact on health, particularly the potential links between certain techno...

She Was a Veterinary Tech with a Key to My Heart and The Drug Cabinet

Trying every drug that exists has been a life goal of mine since reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when I was 13. I’ve reached an 89% completion rate and I’m satisfied with that. What I’ve learned from the hundreds of drugs I’ve tried is that there are some substances be...

SAUBHA The Most Advanced Hi-Tech Aircraft (Viman) of Ancient Hindu Science

Inmy previous writings, I’ve consistently endeavored to highlight the profound heritage of ancient Hindu ingenuity. Now, in this series, I aim to articulate my reflections on the Saubha Vimana, an incredibly advanced aircraft meticulously detailed in our sacred scriptures, including the Vedas,...

Do Tech, Tools and Culture Change How We Move?

This became clear when the British regiment acquired a band of French buglers and drummers. This fancy band of musicians was a reward for “considerable glory alongside French infantry in the Battle of the Aisne” (these are Mauss’ words). But as Maus explains, the gait of the &ldquo...

Tech Titans Redefined: A Formal Exploration of Designer Fashion Choices for Prominent CEOs

Steve Jobs, Apple Founder, recognized for his iconic minimalist style, could hypothetically choose the refined designs of Hermès’ 2015 Spring/Summer collection. Renowned for timeless elegance and impeccable craftsmanship, Hermès aligns with Jobs’ penchan...

The Future of Flawless Skin: Exploring Skincare Tech and Innovation

In a world where technology touches every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that skincare is also benefiting from cutting-edge innovations and advancements. From personalized skincare routines to high-tech beauty devices, skincare tech and innovation are revolutionizing the way we care for...