Three decades ago I rambled about an AI & green tech-led Utopia. Now it’s happening.

<p>We were standing around my friend&rsquo;s kitchen while he and his scientist wife prepared the meal. It was the mid-1990s.</p> <p>She commented about the hopelessness of attempting to solve climate change.</p> <p>I reflected that the world could readily switch to 100% green energy, up GDP by 10x through AI and eliminate poverty and resource shortages.</p> <p>She stopped, looked up from her chopping and uttered &lsquo;You&rsquo;re an idealist!&rsquo;</p> <p>I took it as a compliment.</p> <p>But the point is I was and am a&nbsp;<em>practical</em>&nbsp;idealist, as I pointed out to Adele.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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