Why did I, a tech manager, get an MBA?

<p>In this story, I&rsquo;ll share with you what led me to seek an MBA program, which data I based my decision on and how I chose the structure of the program.</p> <p>My background is in Software Engineering, I have spent the first 8 years of my professional life serving in an elite computer unit in the military where I went through intense software development training and then trained others. In parallel to my military service, I obtained a BSc in Computer Science.</p> <p>In 2011, 3 years after embarking on an adventure relocating to New York city, I was working for a 200-employee startup, and found myself feeling intellectually unfulfilled and unhappy with my professional trajectory. To shake things up, I looked into getting a masters in business administration and to challenge myself further, I also kicked off a job search. Since going into Business school was a big decision, both financially and time-wise, I was intimidated by the prospect. Rather than giving up, I decided that the best approach was to kickstart a series of baby steps.</p> <p><a href="https://chibban.medium.com/why-did-i-a-tech-manager-get-an-mba-97db39e6449b"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tech Manager