7 Tips For Your Israeli High-tech Resume That Will Get You Hired

<p>There are infinite people applying for jobs here in Israel, and as we mentioned in previous posts,&nbsp;<em>having someone directly introduce you to HR makes all the difference!</em>&nbsp;For real, you should go to as many social, business, &amp; educational events as possible. Do your best to connect with people working in all sorts of positions in high-tech. If there is a job you are interested in, ask your contact to send an introduction email to Human Resources (HR) with your resume attached. The subject line should include your name &amp; the job title.</p> <p><strong>Example:&nbsp;</strong>Have Your Contact Send The Email To Human Resources (HR)</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/israeli-high-tech/7-tips-for-your-israeli-high-tech-resume-that-will-get-you-hired-6c8e6f16a100"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: high Tech