My Journey In Tech: A Filipino-American Woman’s Perspective

<p>Inthe Fall of 2017, I took an introductory computer science (CS) course, CS 1110, with Professor Walker White and immediately became more interested in CS. Before Walker White started his lectures, I always looked around to find my kababayans, or my fellow Filipinos, in CS 1110 without much luck. I was also too shy to initiate a conversation with a classmate near me, so I did not know many of my CS 1110 classmates, which made me feel lonely and isolated. Though I tried to pay attention to White&rsquo;s lectures, I wondered where the Filipinos were sitting so that I could potentially start a conversation with them after class. Unfortunately, I had to rush to get to my next class, so I did not even have the time to say hello to anyone afterward. As a sophomore who recently became passionate about technology, I felt like I did not belong in tech because there was no one, to my limited knowledge, who shared the same cultural identity as me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Journey Tech