We Don’t Need a Tech Bro President

<p>Earlier this week, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy voluntarily stepped into a massive pile of shit when, while attempting to justify MAGA conspiracy theories about January 6th, he wondered aloud how many federal agents were on the planes that took down the twin towers on 9/11.</p> <p>And then he&nbsp;<a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/08/22/recording-debunks-vivek-ramaswamys-denial-of-911-comments-questioning-whether-federal-agents-were-on-the-planes/?sh=73dd73065ebe" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">lied</a>&nbsp;about saying it.</p> <p>But here&rsquo;s the problem: while he definitely said some stupid things, the media is largely focusing on the wrong stupid things. Everyone&rsquo;s talking about 9/11, but the Ramaswamy campaign&rsquo;s communication director &mdash; Tricia McLaughlin &mdash; is correct when she says that &ldquo;Vivek was referring to Jan. 6, not 9/11&hellip;&rdquo;</p> <p>That&rsquo;s true, Trish. Which is actually worse.</p> <p>The scandal here is not that Ramaswamy made a vacuous and confusing analogy to 9/11, but why he felt it necessary to make that analogy in the first place. Despite his annoyingly incessant claims to be on the side of Truth, Ramaswamy tied his tongue into knots to signal his allegiance to deluded MAGA voters, who are convinced that the mob that overran the Capitol was actually incited to do so by leftist plants, including federal agents and other Deep State actors.</p> <p><a href="https://aninjusticemag.com/we-dont-need-a-tech-bro-president-cf7b97d75b47">Website</a></p>
Tags: Tech MAGA