I’m Sick of “Women in Tech” Spaces

<p>I&rsquo;ve sent emails like this one before. I&rsquo;ve had many, many conversations that sound like reading out this email. I&rsquo;ve asked so many event and group organizers if the women&rsquo;s group is open to non-binary folks, and gotten a variety of responses.</p> <p>Sometimes people respond &rdquo;of course&rdquo; the space is open to non-binary people. This is nice to hear, but if I had to ask then we&rsquo;re labeling the space wrong, or it&rsquo;s not as inclusive as the responder seems to think. Hopefully they haven&rsquo;t changed the group&rsquo;s language and culture to explicitly include nonbinary folks because they just don&rsquo;t know how. Hopefully their inaction is not because they don&rsquo;t care.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@slohmes/im-sick-of-women-in-tech-spaces-7516ef2134f7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tech Spaces