The tech future has unfolded (almost) *exactly* as we had foreseen

<p>I can prove some of this if I had to, in my case. And I&rsquo;m not really trying to show off.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s more about how predictable (some) tech journeys can and should be. (And yet how, to make it interesting, some of it was impossible to predict).</p> <p>From day one back in the early 1990s many of us techies saw these almost sci-fi-ish technologies as utterly realistically inevitable.</p> <p>Human-like AI, androids, iPhones, FSD cars, reusable rockets and ubiquitous green tech.</p> <p>They were just no-brainers to us.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tech Future