The Exhaustive Tel Aviv Tech Resource List

<p>Tel Aviv is the capital of Startup Nation. No other city in the world can match its density of cutting edge innovators and events per square meter.</p> <p>This means each night in bars, incubators, co-working spaces, schools, VC/startup/unicorn/billion dollar company offices all around the city there are talks, networking events, workshops, and more! &hellip; the good ones have free beer and food&hellip;.</p> <p>But if you are new to tech or new to Israel it can seem a bit daunting. Where do you look? How do you make sure you&rsquo;re not missing out? Don&rsquo;t worry, this list is here to help.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tel Aviv Tech