Sit, Siri! Designing Our Tech to Have Good Etiquette

<p>If you&rsquo;re lucky, you awake in the morning to an overeager puppy who bounds onto your bed with happy yelps and kisses. It&rsquo;s a pretty welcome start to the day, even when the bounding starts while you&rsquo;re still half-asleep.</p> <p>Most of us, however, begin our morning with a completely different kind of barking.</p> <p>Technology has exploded into our lives like a needy pet, demanding our constant attention from the moment we wake. The beeps and pings of notifications resonate like ceaseless barking, while flashing messages nip at our heels, yanking us out of our sleep.</p> <p>In the rush to make devices ubiquitous and &ldquo;smart,&rdquo; tech companies have created for us a monstrous pet that resists training, is not very affectionate, and is definitely not house broken.</p> <p>What&rsquo;s fundamentally missing in our technology is a sense of&nbsp;<em>etiquette</em>, a broad set of social norms and expectations which set a baseline of dignity and respect.&nbsp;&ldquo;Etiquette&rdquo; might be a somewhat out-dated term when it comes to&nbsp;<em>human</em>&nbsp;relationships. But our technology products are not people &mdash; they&rsquo;re even nowhere close to deserving the same love we have for our pets. The same can definitely be said for tech&nbsp;<em>corporations</em>, which are supposed to be serving us, not the other way around.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Tech Designing