The Tech Trek: Embrace the Challenges of Becoming a Tech Professional

<p>&ldquo;Tech is not meant for you.&rdquo; &ldquo;You can&rsquo;t succeed in tech.&rdquo; &ldquo;You aren&rsquo;t even good in Maths&rdquo; &ldquo;You are well-known for having bad grades&rdquo;. Have you ever heard these from someone? Probably from yourself? In my case, it was my own voice in my head. My journey as a software developer has been filled with ups and downs, many self-doubts, frustrations, and confusion. But with all these came so many rewards that made me appreciate the struggles I have experienced. What do I mean? We will discuss this in a bit.</p> <p>Since I can boldly say that 99.9% of developers at some point in their career (and possibly even right now) have faced major blockers or challenges, I believe it&rsquo;s a good idea to start this discussion with the frustrations and difficulties that come with starting a career as a developer or as any tech professional really. It is no secret how high-in-demand tech skills are and this makes them great skills to have. However, you will face many difficulties along the way. I will use my experience as a case study.</p> <p>In January 2022, I wrote my first &ldquo;Hello World&rdquo; in HTML. I didn&rsquo;t even know what I was doing. I had never heard of code editors. I thought that developers probably saved their code in a notepad and uploaded it somehow to the internet. I learned HTML and CSS in 2 weeks without much practice and I felt like I was going to be a &lsquo;tech sis&rsquo; in the next month. Well, I met JavaScript. And that was my first frustration. Believe me, there were times when I just wanted to quit. &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t think my brain is meant for this!&rdquo;. JavaScript reminded me of how poorly I performed in my very first encounter with programming (Pascal) in my 2nd year of university. It was bad (lol). Fast-forward to this moment as I write, I don&rsquo;t see myself doing anything else. Why? How did this happen?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tech Embrace