Why we went all in on Remote Development Environments

<p>Remote Development Environments (RDEs) seem to be all the rage lately. Or maybe it is just selective attention on my side that makes me see RDEs as a topic everywhere since I started thinking about them seriously in the summer of 2022. Back then, I had only a vague understanding of what an RDE is. But even without knowing many details, it was clear to me that RDEs are the future. After all, I had long wondered why it is that the most tech-savvy people &mdash; software developers &mdash; are the people who are still the most dependent on their laptops, preaching the end of manually configured server infrastructure while continuing to insist on manually configured local development environments. It is obvious to me that the days of the manually configured developer laptop are numbered, and RDEs are where things are moving.</p> <p>That realisation alone didn&rsquo;t yet trigger any further action on my part: after all, electric cars are the future and I haven&rsquo;t bought one yet either. But a lot has happened since then. Most of it happened in my head. Here is the story of how I first started thinking about RDEs as something that we might need, to the point where we as a company decided to develop an RDE product.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@margot.mueckstein/why-we-went-all-in-on-remote-development-environments-3b08ff4bd446">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Tech RDE savvy