How I Decided on Which Melbourne Tech Bootcamp To Attend

<p>Le Wagon was still fairly new in Melbourne. I didn&rsquo;t have confidence that the 8 week course would be enough time. I talked to people who were graduating who didn&rsquo;t seem to do it to get a job but more to gain technical skills. I was wanting to get a job so Le Wagon didn&rsquo;t seem like the best fit for me. But since I&rsquo;ve got to know the instructors and students coming out, they seem to be doing something right. The projects are impressive and the students don&rsquo;t seem traumatized.</p> <p>So that left GA and CA. I ended up going to GA. It&rsquo;s probably easier to list the reasons I decided to not go with CA:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tech Bootcamp