She Was a Veterinary Tech with a Key to My Heart and The Drug Cabinet

<p>Trying every drug that exists has been a life goal of mine since reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when I was 13. I&rsquo;ve reached an 89% completion rate and I&rsquo;m satisfied with that. What I&rsquo;ve learned from the hundreds of drugs I&rsquo;ve tried is that there are some substances best left a mystery.</p> <p>I met Carol Ann at my apartment. She came over with her friend to buy weed. Carol Ann worked as a veterinary tech and asked if I was interested in trading weed for pharmaceuticals. I told her absolutely.</p> <p>The next day she brought over two vials of ketamine, a hundred diazepam, and a hundred unlabeled horse pills. I was instantly smitten with her.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>