Real Equity is Essential to the Future of Tech

<p>We are at a crossroads moment when it comes to the way we think about business ethics and leadership in tech. Tech is a microcosm of the current state of our country: it is beholden to the same systemic and institutionalized practices that have harmed underrepresented communities. However, given the increasingly important role technology plays in people&rsquo;s lives, tech companies have a unique capacity and opportunity to drive systemic change around racial and social inequities.</p> <p>Making the tech industry more representative of the diverse world it serves means moving beyond just checking boxes and instead requires a new paradigm to translate inspiration into measurable, scalable action. Despite the early learnings in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd&rsquo;s murder, DEI efforts still over-rely on recruitment efforts, little on retention of said talent, and almost no effort is put forth in other verticals of the business. But what if DEI wasn&rsquo;t just a set of ideas companies claimed to stand behind, but rather became about more than just meeting the status quo?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Future Tech