As Software Engineers, We Should Know Better By Now

<p>Cargo Cult Driven Development has become the norm, it&rsquo;s only the rituals that change.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s 2023. People have free and immediate access to a wealth of information that would make any encyclopedia jealous at their fingertips. And still, tech people are still trying to find the magical silver bullet that will solve all our problems just by existing. And there are just as many people announcing new and fancy silver bullets as there are people looking for them.</p> <p>Be it Agile, Microservices, DevOps, Blockchains, or AI we are currently looking for that magic thing that when we start using will make all our problems go away. Like we are constantly just missing one tiny missing piece that when we find it will just make the whole puzzle look easy and we will look behind and think &ldquo;Ha, looking back, it&rsquo;s a wonder we took so long to figure it out, huh? All this time we just had to do this&rdquo;</p> <p><img alt="Picture of a road erosion with duct tape being used across it to no effect." src="*0cI8fOb4ZkKikVhY2jrWcQ.jpeg" style="height:627px; width:500px" /></p> <p>An example of the magical solution being applied. Source:&nbsp;</p> <p>Now to be fair I do think that hyped techniques and technologies often have something to offer and are sometimes a really welcome and needed improvement. The problem I&rsquo;ve seen repeated over and over again is more related to how and why the hype is being followed &mdash; people just jump onto the bandwagon because &ldquo;this is the future&rdquo; without ever considering what gotchas this future is holding for them.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>