Light vs Darkness: A Nigerian’s Tech Story

<p>For the best part of the last 7 years, I have been on my tech journey. It&rsquo;s been a topsy turvy ride. Starting out as a mere repairer and fixer of some sorts, before finding my footing in graphics design which I learned and mastered for about 5 years until now, I began coding in 2019, but the demands of my education at the time, being a medical student didn&rsquo;t allow me finish that up. Discovering Ui UX design in 2020 was the game changer.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m not here to share unrealistic claims but allow you journey with me through the eyes of a young Nigerian navigating his way through the murky tech waters.</p> <p>Being a self-taught designer in hindsight now, wasn&rsquo;t the best approach I could have possibly taken, And here&rsquo;s why, it was basically a scattergun approach to my learning. A&rsquo;s there wasn&rsquo;t a dedicated learning path, I made use of the greatest school in the world which I call YouTube School, I remember doing Night Subs (A subscription package in Nigeria that gives up to 2GB of data per night) to be able to download multiple videos I could watch and practice with. I did this while mastering different environments like Corel suites, Photoshop and illustrator.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>