What does Tech Justice look like in the UK? | An Introduction

<p>Thanks to the likes of Butler and Mon&aacute;e, my own interest in science fiction has started to pique. As someone whose work is entirely pre-occupied with matters of social justice, and the intersections of race, class, gender and state violence, in many ways, engaging with an Afro-futurist future world helps sustain some hope in the backdrop of a past and present that often feel like a dystopian hellscape, most especially for people racialised as &lsquo;other&rsquo; in a world ordered by White Supremacy. And as writer Aja Romano reminds us, &lsquo;one of the key hallmarks of Afro-futurism is that it uses the grandiose spectacle of a deliberately othered state of [B]lackness &mdash; often through metaphors of aliens, androids, and other non-human species &mdash; to call attention to its own difference.&rsquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Sianaarrgh/what-does-tech-justice-look-like-in-the-uk-an-introduction-af7cf2f778e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tech Justice