I’m Done With Linus Tech Tips

<p>Over the last few days, a number of controversies and situations have exploded around the large tech media company Linus Media Group, which runs several popular YouTube channels including the venerable Linus Tech Tips.</p> <p>If you couldn&rsquo;t guess from the names of these companies, the face of these channels is a guy named Linus Sebastian &mdash; and he&rsquo;s someone that I was a fan of for many years. He started out humbly doing some product promotion on YouTube for a computer store in Canada called NCIX. Then he spun that out into his own company, where it grew and grew and grew until it had over a hundred employees and a recent valuation of around $100 million dollars.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s a long hard road to travel from making unboxing videos on a borrowed camera in a borrowed living space &mdash; and Linus did it by balancing generally good tech information with entertaining goofy overtones and weird high concept ideas. His main channel has walked the entertainment/information tightrope for years, and mostly pulled it off &mdash; though lately, it&rsquo;s starting to fall apart. These new revelations paint a picture of overworked staff members grinding away at content like a robotic content farm, pushing for numbers and uploads above all other things, leaving accuracy and integrity behind.</p> <p><a href="https://xander51.medium.com/im-done-with-linus-tech-tips-fc495df52a03"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Linus Tech