Tag: Women

Inspirational Women Leaders Of Tech: Laura Kennedy of SmartBear On The 5 Steps Needed To Create Great Tech Products

Build and work together: Constant communication is paramount. Everyone needs to feel safe to question why we are doing certain things and be able to compromise and pivot based on advice and feedback from the team. Currently, only about 1 in 4 employees in the tech industry is a woman. So what...

Why Does the Right Wing Want Single Women to be Miserable?

It all started with a harmless, perfectly pleasant, and honest TikTok. A woman named Julia Mazur using the handle Pmdpod recently posted a video on the social media platform that has now gone viral, where she said: “It’s 10:45am on a Saturday. I’m 29 and single and I don&rs...

Women: The Famous Witch Cult

If you ask someone what they think of when they hear the word witch, most people will come up with a similar image: old, ugly, haggard, broomstick-laden, crooked nose, and above all, a female. Have you ever noticed how even in modern times, the label of a witch can be used to demea...

Women And Children First!

Itis universally understood when a boat sinks, the Captain issues the ‘Women and Children First’ command, and the lifeboats are duly lowered in a calm stoic manner by grim-faced crew. The misty-eyed women are loaded into the boats, brush half-formed tears from their wide eyes a...

The Dangerous Cost of the Belief That Women Are Sacred…and Men Are Not

Why do men seem so hellbent to start one war after another? Do you ever wonder that as we witness conflict seemingly every time we leave the house — or certainly every time we see the news? This is one of the central conversations that takes places in Season 7 of Outlander —...

20 Truths About Women All Men Should Learn

Women are meant to be loved, not understood. While a charming sentiment, I do believe that valuable life experiences help to teach us, as men, important lessons about women that shape our interactions and relationships with them through the years. Not just as intimate partners, but as friends...

Most Women Do Not Willingly Make Ten Children

The essence of power is the ability to define reality, corral choices and make the whole setup appear ‘natural’ if not ‘God-given’. This is especially true for those women from highly exploited regions of the world, who can, upon marriage, find themselves migrating into th...

Yes, Women Have A Hard Time Saying ‘No’

Saying “no” can be problematic for some people, especially women. Think about how often you’ve said yes to someone and found yourself doing something you didn’t want to do. So why don’t women say “no” more often? For one thing, we were raised to be &...

The Lost Housewife…and Why So Many Women Still Long to Find Her

Doyou ever wonder why being a stay-at-home mother was the ultimate fantasy for so many women? Sure, societal pressure plays a huge role. And yes, many of us were influenced by the fact that we were surrounded by other stay-at-home mothers who said there was nothing more important or more fulfilling ...

If Women Want To Be Paid Better, Why Don’t They Just Ask for It?

She was a successful executive working for one of my client companies. And she had one of the most severe cases of the ‘Not Like Other Girls’ syndrome I’ve ever come across. Perhaps that was precisely part of her success: convincing men that she wasn’t like all those ...

Single Women Don’t Want Your Husband

Vixen. Temptress. Minx. Single women are sad, pathetic cat ladies until it’s time to hang out with them and acknowledge their social validity, then suddenly we’re more dangerous than an open flame. Which is it I wonder, the failure or the threat? What are we? I ask in jest. When I imagin...

How to get a job in Canada for- People of Color (focus Women)

Lets do this first: It is not you, it is how the system is DESIGNED Everything has a mathematical solution. So far I haven’t seen a problem that could not be solved with a well designed formula. And since insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over and expecting a diffe...

Yes, Women Have A Hard Time Saying ‘No’

Saying “no” can be problematic for some people, especially women. Think about how often you’ve said yes to someone and found yourself doing something you didn’t want to do. So why don’t women say “no” more often? For one thing, we were raised to be &...

20 Truths About Women All Men Should Learn

Oscar Wilde once remarked: Women are meant to be loved, not understood. While a charming sentiment, I do believe that valuable life experiences help to teach us, as men, important lessons about women that shape our interactions and relationships with them through the years. Not just as int...

Marriage Is a Raw Deal For Women

So, a couple of weeks ago, one of my nephews called to invite me to his wedding this summer. He’s been with his fiancé for seven years, has lived with her for the last six years, and has two children. The fact that he cohabitated with his fiancé and had two children outside of ma...

Modern Women Readers I Have a Challenge for You

The mission of this publication is to raise the voices of women and recently I started to wonder if we were limiting ourselves a little by thinking only about what you amazing writers were creating on this platform. We used to have a section in the bar above for ‘Self Promotion’ and w...

Degas’ Art and His Curious Relationship with Women

Christopher P Jones is the author of How to Read Paintings, an introduction to some of the most fascinating artworks in art history. The Dance Class (1874) by Edgar Degas. Oil on canvas. 83.5 x 77.2 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S. Image source The Met (open a...

Women at the Base of the Bridge

Lagos, Nigeria is not known as a beautiful city. It grew too fast on oil boom money in the 1970s and 80s. Aesthetics were not a big priority and the look became increasingly grey. Lagos was also not known for its street art, until fairly recently when it became fully incorporated into a larger...

Reflections on the European Women in Tech 2023 Event

I wish I have posted this earlier but I didn’t have enough time. So here we go now. Attending the European Women in Tech 2023 Event held at RAI Amsterdam was a truly transformative experience. As I walked through the doors of the venue, I could feel the energy and excitement buzzing in the ...

A Guide to 15 Sensual Massages for Women in Bangkok You Haven’t Heard About

Introduction Brief Overview of Sensual Massage Therapy Importance of Tailored Experiences for Women Understanding Sensual Massage Therapy Definition and Purpose Benefits for Women’s Wellness Bangkok’s Unique Sensual Massage Scene Overview of Bangkok as a Hub f...

Sex Therapy for Women in Bangkok: Elevating Well-being Through Touch

Sensual therapy for women, an art that transcends the physical, finds its vibrant expression in the heart of Bangkok. In this bustling city, where tradition meets modernity, sex therapy offers a unique path to relaxation and self-discovery. This article delves into sex therapy for women in Bangkok, ...

“It was the women…once they were organised they were the very devil”

While their husbands and sons were fighting and dying in foreign fields, the working class women of Glasgow also went to war. They didn’t seek or start this fight. They were forced to defend themselves when their profiteering landlords demanded they pay more rent or face eviction. The ho...

Hong Kong, China — Women

Hong Kong, a bustling metropolis known for its dynamic blend of Eastern and Western cultures, has been home to a remarkable community of women who have played pivotal roles in shaping the region’s social, economic, and political landscape. These women have exhibited resilience, determination, ...

The Critical Importance of Networking for Professional Women

There’s nothing like a significant anniversary, personal or professional, to provoke reflection on one’s journey and plans. Celebrating my tenth anniversary of working with Limak Group has certainly led me to look back at how I’ve reached this point and what useful advice...

Women in Türkiye Feel Unsafe: Statistics Reveal Unhappiness

In Türkiye, a growing concern surrounding women’s safety is casting a disquieting shadow on societal well-being. Recent statistics reveal an unsettling trend, where a significant number of women report feeling unsafe and dissatisfied with their lives, even as they achieve higher education...

Understanding Mexican Women Better

Dating and relationships are two of the most widely known topics that interest a person unlike any other things. Truly, finding love is a part of life that makes almost everyone ecstatic and sends them up to cloud nine. Similar to dating Mexican women, which will surely bring you joy like no other, ...

Voices Of Women

In 1999, I was invited to be on a panel that changed my life. When I was little, I dreamed of being an artist, one that could use her work to speak about things that I thought were important. Growing up during Watergate was key, very influential. In fact the whole period of my youth was influenti...

Salvador Dali’s Version of Nasty Women

Paris is often known as a feminine city — a city that celebrates the beauty of women, womanly charms, of all things feminine. For women coming from America — where you should have a career but not be ambitious, where you should be independent but not strong, where you should be charming ...

The World Needs More Kick Ass Women Protagonists

While researching to begin writing my debut novel Under Paris Spies, it was hard to find many female protagonists who seemed anything like me in terms of age, and interests and who shared some of the same struggles that I have in trying to find themselves. A lot of the characters I would stumbl...

Menstruating Women Dull Steel Blades and Other Surprising Period “Facts”

Pliny the Elder had some fascinating thoughts about women on their periods. His book, Naturalist Historia, details the havoc a woman could wreak during her monthly cycle. I’ve heard of cramps, but some of these other things that periods are said to cause are shocking news to me....

Gladiator women, truth or myth?

Not only male gladiators faced each other in deadly duels in the Colosseum arena — this is a scientific fact. The preserved texts of Roman laws and archaeological finds confirm it. In 11 AD, by a special decree, the Roman Senate officially forbade free women under 20 to enter the arena. And in...

Seven Great Books About Roman Imperial Women

If you’ve been reading the news at all lately, you’re probably under the impression that men are really fascinated by ancient Rome. What began as a funny little meme on social media telling women that the men in their lives thought about Rome a lot soon became a thing,&nbs...

Climate Change Is a Growing Risk for Older Women

When forest fires roared through Carpinteria, Calif., in 2017, 88-year-old Nadine Demalleville had just five minutes to evacuate the mobile home where she lived alone with her beloved cats. The former nurse relied on a wheelchair and had no way to get herself to the emergency shelter 20 miles away. ...

The Ever-Evolving Future for Women Deliver

Even as an optimist, I need to remind myself of the energy and hope that I felt earlier this year the at Women Deliver 2023 Conference (WD2023) as a source of resilience amidst the daily bombardment of horrific news happening in the world. In those moments, I keep coming back to Mary ...

Are Men Better With Money Than Women?

Social conditioning can be a bitch. I spent years thinking I wasn't good with money, and I cannot even tell you where I got that from. Investing wasn’t even on my radar. It was something that other people did, like my boyfriend. Although I’ve done a 180 in the last few years, I...

Why Court Blocked Fearless Fund Designed to Help Black Women

Imagine someone running before the whistle is blown and claiming after they win the race that it was fair, and instead of intervening, the referee and onlookers remain silent. That is what it is like to be a Black woman in America. While many people endorse the meritocracy myth, we're clearly ru...

Christian Women Are All Lesbians

I mean, it’s not really special that men are supposed to love their wives. Women are expected to both love and submit to their husbands after all. That’s why men are called to be willing to die for their wives, to make it fair that women have to submit to their husbands and to make all w...

Women & Faith: View of Menstruation in Sanatan Dharma

In India, precisely in Hindu society, before the wave of digital feminism, one could routinely observe menstruating women practising one or the other kind of restrictions and some notion of impurity being attached to menstruation. This is mostly observed in the rural provinces, as well as in uber-mo...

The place of women in Hinduism ~ Is it Sexist?

Evidence from the ancient past shows that female value was likely a little different than before the sexism that later became so pervasive. Many male centric religions – Islam to Mohammad, Christianity to Jesus, Judaism to Abraham, Siddharta Gautama. to Buddhism, Mahavir to Janinism, Zoroaster...

What Are the Rights of Women in Islam?

O believers! When you contract a loan for a fixed period of time, commit it to writing. Let the scribe maintain justice between the parties. The scribe should not refuse to write as Allah has taught them to write. They will write what the debtor dictates, bearing Allah in mind and not defrauding the...

Open Letter to the Women of ‘God’s Chosen People’

The Torah I believe, is a path of wisdom and peace For you see, Proverbs 3:17 guides Jews that, ‘Her ways are ways of Pleasantness And all her paths are Peace So how can a whole culture with such a beautiful Guide Become colonialist, dictating the pattern of each newborn’s breat...

Women Nonbelievers Still Face Intolerance, Despite Growing Numbers

Today, when three in 10 Americans are religiously unaffiliated, one might reasonably expect acceptance of nonbelievers. It seems fair to imagine freethinking women — many of whom have abandoned their churches and are deconstructing extreme forms of faith— mi...

The Gender Pay Gap Puzzle: How are women affected?

The gender pay gap has long been a complex puzzle woven into the fabric of our workforce. Despite advancements in societal norms and legislation, disparities in earnings persist between men and women. To unravel this intricate puzzle, we delve into historical contexts, expert analyses, and the mu...

Silent Discrimination: The Reality for Filipino Women in STEM

“At a young age, alam ko na physics ang na-e-enjoy ko na science. Pero quantum physics in particular. Nakakatawa ‘yan na story” (At a young age, I knew that I enjoyed physics over other sciences. Quantum physics in particular. It’s actually a funny story), Dr. Jacquiline Rome...

The roles women play in the castle of patriarchy

The patriarchy targets women and then depends on women to accomplish the bull’s eye through Machiavellian social policies, mind-games and politics of aggravation. we cannot brush-off the role of women in the pyramid of hate as it’s the biggest aberration in the way of unity and wholesome...

Women of science who are forgotten:

One area that I find very interesting, even though it is sad that it exists, is the way women were swept under the carpet and received no recognition for their research and findings, even though later men claimed fame for their discoveries. We talked about this briefly in the post Women in Scie...

10 Organizations Championing Girls & Women in Tech

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, women are harnessing their brilliance to redefine the industry’s narrative. From coding to cybersecurity, data science to design, women are making impactful strides and shaping the tech world into a more diverse and inclusive space. In this blog po...

Why we need more Women in AI

In an age where artificial intelligence (AI) shapes much of our daily lives, the conversation about diversity in this field has taken on a new urgency. This discussion, however, goes beyond the conventional dialogue on workplace diversity. The need for more women in AI is not merely a call for diver...

My Experience with Correlation One’s Data Science For All/Women Program

I spent some of that time meditating, contemplating my life decisions, and preparing my ego for whatever was to come, as one does. Sure, you could spend that time brushing up on Python, Statistics, and Modeling, too. I don't imagine I can safely discuss specific questions here. Overall though...

I Run the Oldest Women-Owned Web Company

I wasn’t thinking about diversity in web startups back then. All of us were still trying to prove the web was going to be A Thing. We web founders spent most of our time explaining to people what the Internet was, how it applied to business, and that it was probably important. Today, there&...

Women in Machine Learning: Negar Rostamzadeh

The recent debacle surrounding Google’s James Damore’s memo and subsequent firing illustrates that the source of gender imbalance in tech is still hotly disputed in certain quarters. But many organisations think it’s pretty clear that this gender imbalance stems from current s...

Epic Women in Cyber — Goonjeta Malhotra

My name is Goonjeta Malhotra, I am 19 years old and presently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I am an OSCP, Bug Bounty Hunter, Author and a Red Teamer. I enjoy taking part in CTF competitions. I have always been really interested in technology and cybersecurity felt just like th...

What happens when you put 2,500 queer women in tech into one conference?

Last week I travelled to San Francisco to attend the fourth annual Lesbians Who Tech (LWT) Summit conference. It was my first time attending the conference, which saw 2,500 lesbians, queer women and allies descending on the Castro district in San Francisco to talk all things tech from mixe...

Top Podcasts for Empowering Women Founders

In a world where women continue to face significant challenges in the business and entrepreneurship landscape, podcasts have emerged as powerful platforms for sharing stories, providing insights, and fostering a sense of community. These audio shows have become a go-to resource for women founders, o...

Why We Can’t Ignore What’s Happening to Women in Virtual Reality Today

A similar thing happened previously to Nina Jane Patel, a psychotherapist who conducts research on the metaverse. She described the experience of being ‘verbally and sexually harassed’ and then ‘virtually gang raped’ as a ‘surreal nightmare.’ But when Pa...

Why it’s so difficult for many women to find a man.

It’s no secret that modern dating is a disheartening, frustrating and anxiety inducing endeavour. The age of dating apps has made it easier for people to be deceptive and cruel, coupled with the fact that we live in a superficial and throw-away society. I want to start off by saying that this ...

Soft Women Are Nothing but a Fantasy: What Men Don’t Understand About Women

This whole drama around how women should be softer and more feminine is starting to border on the ridiculous because this is the time in history when women are softer than they’ve ever been. Surprised? I know it doesn’t seem that way. But that’s just because the image of what...

Hypersexualized Images of Women Do Nothing to Rebel Against the Patriarchy

Our society has deeply ingrained in women and girls that they should be sexually desirable. It comes at us in the form of advertisements, movies, TV, and media. And it becomes embedded in our subconsciousness at a young age. Women have been portrayed as sex objects since the dawn of ages. From an...

Do Men Even Like Women? Here’s Solid Proof That They Really Don’t

I could rest my case right here. This could very well be a one-sentence article that proves my title. If we take sexuality or physical attraction out of the equation, would men even be nice to women? Talk to them, pay them any attention? A huge quota of plain, heavy set, or past a certain age ...

5 Things Men Need To Accept To Not Become Bitter (Towards Women)

Social media exposes us to hoards of information and dialogue that generations before would never have had to look at in their lifetimes. Unfortunately, a lot of discussion is pushed towards our timelines due to controversy and virality rather than value. Even so, it is still surprising every time y...

Why I Can’t Ignore What’s Happening to Women in Virtual Reality Today

I’ve dipped my toes into the VR world, and let me tell you, it’s a wild ride. But there’s a dark side to this virtual paradise, and it’s high time we talk about it. Women in VR are facing a gender gap that’s as glaring as a neon sign in the middle of the night. When ...

Jane Crow America: No Emergency Care for Pregnant Women

There is a federal law known as EMTALA which was passed in 1986 and guarantees access to emergency medical care. A hospital cannot ignore you and cannot shuffle you off to some other facility. If you show up at an emergency room, federal law says you must be provided needed emergency care....

6 G-Spot Myths Women Wish Men Would Stop Believing

No other part of the female anatomy has been discovered, denounced, rediscovered, renamed, and frustrated researchers more than the elusive G-spot. It's been called Gräfenberg's Holy Grail of female pleasure, a magical sex "button," and the secret orgasmic key to unlocking ecs...

We Must Stop Asking Infertile Women ‘Why Don’t You Just Adopt?’

I’ll admit, I’ve thought it myself a few times over the years. If you’re so desperate for a child, why don’t you adopt? There are millions of children in the world who need a home, isn’t it selfish to only want a child if you birth it yourself? Back when I was on ...

Why Modern Women Don’t Want Children

Growing up, we’ve all been bombarded with the idea that having kids is the ultimate goal. Family, society, and those ever-inquisitive relatives all assume that we’ll follow the same script. But hey, some of us were born to rewrite the narrative. I remember the countless family gath...

How Aging Provides Women A Magical Mirror Into Our Past

When I was in my twenties, I would look at pictures of myself and instantly pick apart my physical features. I’d wish my legs looked longer or thinner, lament over the way that my arms looked, or wish my hair appeared fuller, longer, or just better, in general. When I was in my thirtie...

What’s the Problem With Conservative Women?

No two people can truly, viscerally understand each other. However, some gaps are particularly challenging to bridge. How can this son of the suburbs in the Pacific Northwest relate to a Black woman living in Manhattan? A pregnant teenager in Florida? My wife confuses me sometimes, and we’v...

Indian Women Being The Best Version Of Themselves In The Workplace

Planning team outings, farewells, cultural events, and ordering food. This is a woman’s job alone. What else are women for? One should be grateful for the visibility that the opportunity gives. This allows your male coworkers to focus on work that helps them grow their careers. If your male bo...

Men please Decenter women from your lives: don’t use women to measure your worth as a man. TW: this is not an advice article.

Men please Decenter women. The patriarchy made women an important part when it comes to defining a man’s masculinity. What do I mean? Men measure their Masculinity by how much they can control women. It’s imperative that men learn to Decenter women and focus on other aspects of life. It ...

Imagine a World Filled with the Unapologetic Presence of Women

There it was, on the very top shelf in the garden center at Home Depot: the pot that I needed for a plant I had recently purchased. It was only six inches out of my reach. I stretched. I jumped. I stretched again. But I just couldn’t reach it. Right next to me was one of those stair ladders...

Men are not from Mars and Women are not from Venus

I actually have a space themed tattoo, and I painted multiple pieces of art over the years with aliens, astronauts, stars and galaxies. And it’s because, for years, it felt like the perfect encapsulation of my constant sense of disconnection. See, I was very addicted to feeling special. An ...

Why “Back to the Office” Hurts Women More Than Men

Two days ago, WeWork filed for bankruptcy, and I felt quite a bit of schadenfreude. Why? In 2021, WeWork CEO Sandeep Mathrani was one of the first to publicly vilify remote workers. In the Wall Street Journal, he described people who want to work from home as the least engaged employees...

Do Fairy Tales Train Women to be Victims?

Fairy tales have attracted a range of criticism since their first publication in the nineteenth century, with varying feminists, Freudians and Post-colonialists interpreting the works of the Brothers Grimm. Jack Zipes identified that we often ‘refer to myths and fairy tales as lies [but] these...

The great gaslighting of trans inclusive women

If you spend any amount of time around exclusionary feminists you quickly realise how they broadly brushstroke their personal opinions onto all women. Not some. All. They talk about trans women being men who invade women’s spaces, how trans women can never be women because of their lack of fem...

Debunking “Trans Women Are Not Women” Arguments

I was recently interviewed by the New York Times about my work and writings as a trans feminist. From pre-interview conversations we shared, I knew that my interviewer planned to ask me about Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s comments from earlier this year wherein ...

Incels Are Now Transitioning Into Women to Get Laid

Transmaxxing is a newish phenomenon that involves male incels transitioning into women. And they are not doing this because they suffer from body dysmorphia as one would expect, but because they think their dating life will be easier as a woman. For those still not in the know, incel is short ...

The role of Women in Society Past vs. Present

The role of women in society has undergone a remarkable transformation over the centuries. From traditional societal expectations that confined women to domestic roles, their status and opportunities have expanded significantly in modern times. This article explores the contrasting narratives of wom...

Guns Have More Rights Than Women in the United States

Despite a cautiously protective upbringing, your twelve-year-old daughter develops a confluence of problems, and you don’t know why. Defiant, distant, and melancholy, she has morphed from the beautiful, joyful, obedient good girl you thought you had into this: a stranger. Instead of tryi...

British Women’s Right to Over The Counter Pill: Is This a Win?

Beginning in 2024, British women will be able to access birth control pills over the counter without a prescription, it was announced by the government on the 16th of November 2023. Going forward, “the pill” can be obtained at a local chemist or pharmacy, known as ‘over the co...

Help For Women Who Are being abused

Getting out of an abusive relationship or marriage isn’t easy, but you deserve to live free of fear. Ending a significant relationship isn’t easy. If you are trying to decide whether to stay or leave, you may be feeling confused, uncertain, and frightened. Maybe you are still hopin...

The Problem with Referring to Women as “Females”

Referring to a women as “females” is a crime that men and women alike have committed. (Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic.) The problem is not that women are not females. In fact, most women are biological females. The problem, however, is the derogatory way in which...

Greenland’s Indigenous women deserve more than financial compensation

Indigenous women across the globe have a traumatic historical relationship with genocide. Attempts to wipe-out indigenous populations have been pervasive across the West and beyond, but they appear in many forms, some more overtly insidious than others. From ‘residential schools’...

Are American Women Really the Worst Type of Mate?

Lenny Kravitz came under fire for those lyrics(again, they were not written by him), and for the risqué images of women in his music video. Some say, the lyrics are about war and America. Perhaps America is a woman metaphorically speaking. Others say, it is the denigration of the American ...

Trying to live is different from living… Afghan women two years on

In 1996, I was in grad school and desperate to start working on women’s human rights. I landed a fellowship at a human rights organization on their women’s rights team. That was the year the Taliban took over Kabul. Afghanistan was in the news, and the organization asked me to focus on t...

Strong Women, You Make Men Uncomfortable

How often have we heard assertive women being labelled as “bossy” or “too much”? It’s 2023, yet some men still perceive women who refuse to play small as a threat. As a father of two amazing daughters, I’ve never understood why some men are uncomfortable wit...

Empowering Women in STEM: Closing the Gender Gap

In the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), diversity is not just a buzzword but a crucial factor for innovation and progress. Despite significant strides in recent decades, women remain underrepresented in STEM fields. The call to empower women in STEM goes beyond addr...

In Solidarity With Iranian Women

There have been many powerful cartoons drawn in recent weeks about the situation in Iran. Wonderful symbolism of women taking control of their own bodies, their hair, their freedom. What I am thinking of lately is that women in the US — actually Americans of all genders — need to show su...

Society the bane of women

I was so excited because I got to marry the man of my dreams, a leader, a visionary and a man who is devout to God, he was the ideal man from a great family or so I thought but he is from a different tribe. After 15 years of being married with three kids my husband passed away. it was a slow and ...

“You’re Turning Women Into Victims”

The reality is that girls and women experience sexism or misogyny in every walk of life, at every time of the day and night. We are victims. The general definition of ‘victim’ is “a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or acti...

Women and Children

The backs of Winston’s little thighs were a light press against the fronts of mine, radiating fever-heat through his blue shorts. His bare feet dangled- limp above the cracked tile of the patio. It was also just hot at the edge of things, on the line between the shade and the soon-to-be settin...

Are Men Losing Faith In Western Women?

Modern romance navigates a nuanced landscape. Gone are the days of rigid gender roles and prescribed courtship rituals. Today, we celebrate the rise of the empowered woman, the champion of her own destiny. Yet, amidst this progress, a sense of disconnect seems to linger. Communication feels like ...

7 challenges of working women

After publishing a handful of blogs on Medium, I got habituated to writing. I started dedicating a couple of hours a week to writing. However, the topic for my next blog lingers in my mind while writing the current blog. My writing does not reach a larger audience base but definitely a handful of fo...

The Fate of Women Human Rights Defenders: A Take on the UN Panel Discussion

This discussion is particularly topical given women HRDs (alongside environmental activists) were the activists most at risk of being killed in 2022. They are specifically the targets of smear campaigns and of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Not only are they targeted in this way in the pub...

The streets are not safe for women…

While walking my dog one balmy April night, I crossed paths with a man who turned to me and said: “I wanna pin you down and fuck the shit out of you.” As if he has a right to say this. “Asshole!” I screamed. It was the only thing I could think of to say. He had already tur...

The Top 5 Women Existentialists

In Paris during the 1920’s & 30’s, she struggled to be taken seriously as a writer. But despite this, she never gave up or submitted to what was conventional for a woman to write. And after having moved to America in 1939, she eventually became known for her written works of fiction....

Hillary Condemned Rape Against Women Hostages. #Proud

I quote Judge Rosemarie Aquilina’s daughter who posted one word when her mom gave an endless sentence to child molester Larry Nassar. #PROUD My entire heart is full of this emotion. A couple of students walked out of Mama Hillary’s class at Columbia University, protesting against t...

Women Executed in the U.S.

Amber McGloughin was the last woman executed in the U.S. On January 23, 2023, the State of Missouri executed Amber in the gas chamber for the 2003 rape and murder of her girlfriend/roommate. McGloughlin also holds the title of the first transgender woman executed in U.S. history. At the time o...

Gender, Are You A He/She, Or An It?

Men have always been the default. We were supposed to include women in “mankind,” even as we came in peace for all mankind, but that cannot happen with the way that human psychology and language works. And, our psychology of course, is also shaped by culture. We can be sure ...

Women Trapped in Not-So-Sacred Marriages

Trigger warning: the story includes a graphic description and the subject of rape. It boggles the mind that well into the 21st century a disturbing number of nations refuse to recognize a basic, fundamental human right. As cruel and primitive as it sounds, approximately 48 countries do ...

Women Taking Up Space

Like so many other black female artists Johnson’s work has only recently started to be properly recognised by the Art World establishment despite a decades-long career. She was born in 1959 in Manchester, the daughter of Caribbean immigrants, and began her career as a visual artist in the earl...

LinkedIn, Rich Women and Rich Anti-Racism

I was walking to the #15 bus in Denver this morning, avoiding homeless people’s pee puddles getting real riled up. Like, RILED. So riled up I am going to restrain myself with all the things I am about to say: The other day on CPR News I heard an interview with co-author of the boo...

Women Entrepreneurs Creating Inclusive Social and Environmental Impact

From books to real estate, from African-inspired foods to financial services, the business leaders in this year’s Level program cohort span a variety of industries and cities across the U.S. and Canada. These business leaders — who identify as women and Black, Indigenous, or ot...

Do Chinese Women Like American Men?

Many American men dream of being with a Chinese woman, and nowadays, it’s pretty possible! Chinese women are open to dating American men, appreciating their respect and love for Chinese culture. They’re also interested in exploring relationships that cross cultural boundaries, looking fo...

Asian Women Are Not For You

Many years ago, at a tech/startup networking event in Palo Alto, I found myself unexpectedly being interviewed for a job I didn’t want, couldn’t do, and wouldn’t be paid for by a guy I’d never want to work with. “It’s good that you have a background in the indu...

Stop Calling Asian Women Exotic

As an Asian woman, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been called “exotic” by clueless people who think they’re giving me a compliment. “Exotic” means something that is foreign, unusual, or strikingly different from what is considered normal or standa...

Black History Month: Dorothy Height, President of the National Council of Negro Women for 40 years

Dorothy Height (March 24, 1912 — April 20, 2010) was a prominent African American civil rights and women’s rights activist. She was a key figure in the American civil rights movement and dedicated her life to advocating for racial and gender equality. Born in Richmond, Virginia, Heigh...

5 Indigenous women leaders you should know about

Lola Cabnal is a Mayan Q’eqchí woman from a rural community in the municipality of Livingston, Guatemala. She is the Chair of the Council of Indigenous Women and Biodiversity, and a climate advocacy strategist for Ak’ Tenamit Association. Lola is also among the Indigenous ...

In Honor of Asian Pacific Islander Month, Here are 10 Asian Pacific Islander Women That You Should Know

Many people in American look forward to the month of May for its nice spring weather, but for others this is a month to celebrate the accomplishments of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans. More importantly, the actions and accomplishments of the women in those two groups should...

Black Teen Attacked By grown hispanic women.

On September 17th, an incident occurred in Lawndale, a neighborhood in Chicago, involving an 11-year-old African American girl named Trinity Washington. Trinity was verbally and physically assaulted by two Hispanic women who were attending the Mexican Independence Day Parade. According to reports, T...

Medicine Has a Disturbing Problem Related to the Treatment of Women

The “secret” isn’t out because it’s always been there, and the failure of medicine and medical education to address bias against women is being aired. Is it a leftover of an era when the physician was a “god,” is it sexism disguised as a profession, or is it the e...

A Reason Good Women Dump and Divorce Good Men — and How to Prevent It

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen good men kicked to the curb. I look at those women who did the kicking and ask, “What the heck were you thinking?! Why are you wasting a good man?” In today’s dating market, good men are believed to be rare species. These wom...

Five Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Ancient Roman Women

Few ancient societies have had as big of an impact on the world as the ancient Romans. They reigned for over 1,200 years, and even today, evidence of their culture, laws, religion, and practices persist in some shape or form. At the same time, not everything the Romans did would have a place in the ...

What did ancient Roman women wear?

Ancient Roman women, like any women, loved to dress up. Roman fashion changed many times over the centuries — new fabrics, patterns, and styles appeared. Roman emperors tried to curb women who spent fortunes on clothes and jewelry with laws against luxury, but nothing helped. Initially, clothi...

Why the Web Isn’t Working for Women and Girls

When the world celebrated the web’s 30th birthday a year ago, we were reminded of the incredible things it has enabled — and all that we stand to lose if we don’t fight for it. I asked everyone to join together and do what they can to make sure the next 30 ...

Strong Women, Rogues, and Poachers: a Family History

Many of you have met your great-grandparents, even if only as small children. My wife remembers hers. I never met mine. One of my great-grandmothers was born in 1835 and her husband in 1828. Between them and my granddaughter born in 2021 is a span of nearly two centuries. The first Salisbury i...

Ten Beautiful Women From History

Every historical culture has its own unique set of beauty standards, and some of them are markedly different from the standards we have today. However, we can still look through the centuries and highlight those who were known to be beautiful during their lifetime. Even without photo evidence, it...

Why We Should Never Forget The Power of Black Women Abolitionists

Black women abolitionists occupy a unique space in American culture, yet few have become household names. Of course, the root cause of this short-sightedness is misogynoir, the combined impact of racism and sexism. It’s taboo to talk about racism, let alone the specific harm Black women endure...

Why Women Riding Horses Bothered Confederate Veterans So Much 50 Years After The Civil War

In the years following the Civil War, the memory of the great conflict became a significant part of the identity of the country and those who had participated. Veterans gathered annually for reunions and kept nostalgia alive for as long as there were still those around who remembered. It wasn’...

Top 10 Multi-Designer Stores in India for Women Clothing

Multi-designer stores, as the name suggests, are retail spaces that house an assorted range of designer collections from various talented artists. These stores curate and showcase clothing and accessories, offering customers a diverse selection of styles, fabrics, and patterns. Each piece displayed ...

Summer Clothing for Men, Women, and Children — Go Just Online

Introduction. Summer is the perfect time to update your wardrobe and get ready for the warmer weather. Whether you’re shopping for yourself, your partner, or your little ones, finding the best summer clothing online can be a convenient and enjoyable experience. In this article, we will expl...

Why Pilates Is the Best Workout for Women!

In the ever-evolving realm of fitness, Pilates has emerged as a powerhouse workout, especially tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of women. From enhancing flexibility to building core strength, Pilates offers a holistic approach that goes beyond conventional exercise routines. In this artic...

9 Impressive Styling Tips for Skinny Women

Avoid Heels In Skinny Girl Outfits: Although we all love heels, sometimes they are not the best option for smaller mounts. Dressed in heels can make you look even thinner and taller. If this isn’t the look you are going for, try exchanging heels for some cute flats or boots. These are c...

How to Dress for Your Body Type: Fashion Tips for Thin, Curvy, and Muscular Women

There are many reasons why it’s important to dress for your body type. For one, it can help you feel more confident in your appearance. If you feel good about the way you look, you will be more likely to exude confidence in other areas of your life. Additionally, dressing for your body type ca...

Embracing Aging: Justine Bateman and the Importance of Role Models for Women

I am a woman in her midlife. A late bloomer when it comes to many things. Like menopause — still not officially in it, but already got the ticket — and enjoying the fruits of things I’ve always wanted to do. Such as motorcycling and having been able to finally make writing my profe...

Are Women Sacrificing Their Intuitions In Exchange For Slim Privilege?

Overthinking is the enemy of the intuition. And our masculine-driven society is designed for women to overthink everything, including something as basic as keeping themselves alive through food. We are conditioned to aspire to fitting into an old pair of jeans from high school rather than feel nouri...

Why Are We, Women, Terrified of Our Own Humanity?

Ifyou’ve spent any length of time among the masses, you’ll have come across something. Now, you may not have noticed this something, since it’s so deeply ingrained in our collective psyche that it seems to go undetected, but you’ll have definitely encountered it. And this ...

The Insufferable “Legging Legs” Trend and Why Millennial Women Aren’t Having It

Millennial women across the internet collectively lost our minds last week when someone dared to suggest such as thing as “legging legs.” In the latest effort to body-shame and humiliate women into meeting already unrealistic beauty standards, we’re hearing now that women with &...

Women beyond 36–24–36

I was dancing in my room one day when I saw my silhouette forming on the wall. I started posing for fun as I saw a familiar shape forming. I exclaimed “Ohhh, so that’s the hourglass shape they always talk about, damn I got some hourglass” and then went by with my day as usual. ...

Empowering Women: Tips to Combat Hair Loss

Any person, regardless of gender, may find hair loss to be upsetting. But because of cultural expectations and potential emotional effects, it might be especially difficult for women. Managing hair loss necessitates self-care, patience, and proactive steps, regardless of the underlying cause, whi...

Hair is Everything! This is What Hair Means to Modern Women

Astoday is International Women’s Day, I want to take this opportunity to talk about one (in my opinion) very underrated aspect of womanhood, and that is hair. In preparation for this piece, I spoke with two hairstylists, gathered statements from my female friends and colleagues, and even got a...

The Everyday Privledge that Women Freely Give Away

I will always remember Mr. Sprague, my 9th grade Biology teacher. He was weird in the best way possible, and easily the funniest man I ever met. One day, he took a gigantic bite out of a slice of the moldiest piece of bread I’ve ever seen (it was leftover from one of his science experiements)....

Most minority women feel ignored by the skincare industry, according to new study

The average woman will spend $20,466.72 on skincare in her adult lifetime, according to new research. Within the span of a month a woman will spend $27.96 on skincare — or $335.52 every year. A study of 1,000 general population women and 1,000 women of color explored the seemingly never-...