Why it’s so difficult for many women to find a man.

<p>It&rsquo;s no secret that modern dating is a disheartening, frustrating and anxiety inducing endeavour. The age of dating apps has made it easier for people to be deceptive and cruel, coupled with the fact that we live in a superficial and throw-away society. I want to start off by saying that this is not a man-hating article. I&rsquo;m not blaming ALL men and I&rsquo;m aware that women behave just as badly. I&rsquo;m sure that there are many decent men out there, but the majority of them are already taken or extremely hard to find. Even guys that do seem decent initially can turn out to be not so decent. Many of my female friends also struggle as well and face the same problems.</p> <p><a href="https://msselo297.medium.com/why-its-so-difficult-for-women-to-find-a-man-7b3cd255765d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Many Women