Are Women Sacrificing Their Intuitions In Exchange For Slim Privilege?

<p>Overthinking is the enemy of the intuition. And our masculine-driven society is designed for women to overthink everything, including something as basic as keeping themselves alive through food. We are conditioned to aspire to fitting into an old pair of jeans from high school rather than feel nourished and safe in our bodies no matter what size they are.</p> <p>One way women are conditioned to sacrifice their intuition for the illusions the masculine polarity comes with, including slim and pretty privilege, is by jacking up their hormones through hyper-focusing on calories and overly strict diets. I believe involving the intuition and following her lead, even if her guidance opposes rigid routines under the guises of health and wellness (and it does, trust me) is the missing piece to balancing hormones. Food can only do so much.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>