Five Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Ancient Roman Women

<p>Few ancient societies have had as big of an impact on the world as the ancient Romans. They reigned for over 1,200 years, and even today, evidence of their culture, laws, religion, and practices persist in some shape or form. At the same time, not everything the Romans did would have a place in the modern world. It is not uncommon to experience a cultural shock when exploring the practices of ancient societies. Today, I&rsquo;ll go over five things about Roman women you probably didn&rsquo;t know.</p> <h2>1. Women rarely got custody of their children after divorce</h2> <p>Today, it is quite common during marital disputes and divorces that women end up getting custody of the children. In fact,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">statistics show that women win child custody rights almost 90% of the time</a>. However, such was not the case for Roman women. For starters, divorce in ancient Rome was not the long, drawn-out legal process it is today. Most marriages would end verbally whenever either spouse said so. Fathers retained legal guardianship of their daughters even beyond marriage and could even initiate divorces on their behalf.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Roman Women