20 Truths About Women All Men Should Learn

<blockquote> <p>Women are meant to be loved, not understood.</p> </blockquote> <p>While a charming sentiment, I do believe that valuable life experiences help to teach us, as men, important lessons about women that shape our interactions and relationships with them through the years. Not just as intimate partners, but as friends, family members, and colleagues.</p> <p>Here are twenty pieces of knowledge I have accumulated along my journey, I hope they bring you the same enlightenment they&rsquo;ve brought to me.</p> <h1>1: Her biology makes her a better communicator than you.</h1> <p>As men, we would much rather that a woman come out and tell us what she wants and how she feels. No matter how well we can read her, there will naturally still be things that we miss and kick ourselves about later.</p> <p>But, men and women naturally communicate differently. According to &ldquo;The Female Brain&rdquo; (<em>must-read book</em>), women are biologically predisposed to have a heightened ability to read facial expressions and body language.</p> <p>They can also anticipate danger and pain earlier on than men can.</p> <p>That doesn&rsquo;t mean we can&rsquo;t put in the effort to learn the nuances, though. The more openly we communicate, the less room there is for confusion or mixed signals.</p> <p>I literally communicate for a living, and I still find myself tongue-tied trying to convey my thoughts and feelings to Rachel sometimes. Nobody is perfect, and recognizing our areas of improvement is the first step towards actually improving them.</p> <p><a href="https://jamesmsama.medium.com/20-truths-about-women-all-men-should-learn-57f86af14823">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Women truths