The place of women in Hinduism ~ Is it Sexist?

<p>Evidence from the ancient past shows that female value was likely a little different than before the sexism that later became so pervasive. Many male centric religions &ndash; Islam to Mohammad, Christianity to Jesus, Judaism to Abraham, Siddharta Gautama. to Buddhism, Mahavir to Janinism, Zoroaster to Zoroastrianism, Confucius to Confucianism, Guru Nanak to Sikhism and so forth. Several cultures of our current or past historic societies, seem often to have devalued or given a lesser status or limited value to women. For instance, the legacy of Mother Mary has been restrained by the Romans then the church to a mere cult. And yet many ignore that the first apostle after Jesus was crucified was Mary. She was the first to have founded the Catholic Church and not Peter as recorded in the catholic theological history.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Women Hinduism