Gender, Are You A He/She, Or An It?

<p>Men have always been the default. We were supposed to include women in &ldquo;mankind,&rdquo; even as we came&nbsp;<em>in peace for all mankind,</em>&nbsp;but that cannot happen with the way that human psychology and language works. And, our psychology of course, is also shaped by culture.</p> <p>We can be sure male is the default, even in our woke, &ldquo;post-sexism&rdquo; society. We can look at a chipmunk, or a bear, or an octopus, or even a bee or ant &mdash; although the ones we see are almost always female &mdash; and people will say &ldquo;<strong><em>He</em></strong>&nbsp;looks cute. Angry. Smart. Stinging.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Include Women