Strong Women, Rogues, and Poachers: a Family History

<p>Many of you have met your great-grandparents, even if only as small children. My wife remembers hers. I never met mine.</p> <p>One of my great-grandmothers was born in 1835 and her husband in 1828. Between them and my granddaughter born in 2021 is a span of nearly two centuries.</p> <p><strong>The first Salisbury in the United States</strong>&nbsp;was William Salisbury b. 1622 in Wales, who landed in Massachusetts in 1630 with an older brother. William was the son of Sir John &ldquo;the Strong&rdquo; Salusbury, who was part of Queen Elizabeth&rsquo;s court and a noted poet, very loyal to her. (The Parliament historian called him very mediocre, but that was probably political jealousy.)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Strong Women