How Aging Provides Women A Magical Mirror Into Our Past

<p>When I was in my twenties, I would look at pictures of myself and instantly pick apart my physical features. I&rsquo;d wish my legs looked longer or thinner, lament over the way that my arms looked, or wish my hair appeared fuller, longer, or just<em>&nbsp;better</em>, in general.</p> <p>When I was in my thirties, it was more of the same.</p> <p>But I began to notice a funny thing happening in my thirties as well. I was still picking apart pictures, playing the endless game of comparison between my body and what my ideal body was, yet when I looked at those same photographs from my twenties, I no longer saw the flaws I once did.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: provides Women