Why Does the Right Wing Want Single Women to be Miserable?

<p>It all started with a harmless, perfectly pleasant, and honest TikTok.</p> <p>A woman named Julia Mazur using the handle Pmdpod recently posted a video on the social media platform that has now gone viral, where she said:</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s 10:45am on a Saturday. I&rsquo;m 29 and single and I don&rsquo;t have kids yet. Here&rsquo;s what your Saturday morning looks like when you&rsquo;re single at 29 and you don&rsquo;t have a kid running around the house. I didn&rsquo;t rise from my bed until 10:15. Every time I thought I should probably get up and do something, I thought why? Nobody&rsquo;s making me and I&rsquo;m not missing out on anything. I went to Beyonce last night and din&rsquo;t get home until 1:00am, and I danced and drank my little heart out, and I didn&rsquo;t pay a babysitter to watch my kids as I did that. And I woke up a tad hungover this morning which is probably why I was in bed for so long. And I was just scrolling on my phone and saw a picture of shakshouka and I thought you know what sounds really good? Maybe I&rsquo;m gonna learn how to make shakshouka today. Cause I have no plans and I don&rsquo;t have kids and I don&rsquo;t have a husband and I don&rsquo;t have errands to run. I can go to the grocery store and learn how to make shakshouka. That&rsquo;s on my agenda today.</p> <p>Also on my agenda? Probably a rewatch of some Real Housewives of New York. Also doing a rewatch of normal people on Hulu which is really spicy and I highly recommend. Weirdly I&rsquo;m into this documentary on Netflix about Blue Zone countries so I&rsquo;ve got a pretty stacked day.</p> </blockquote> <p><a href="https://xlauren-mx.medium.com/why-does-the-right-wing-want-single-women-to-be-miserable-7a008d6ad60c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>