Embracing Aging: Justine Bateman and the Importance of Role Models for Women

<p>I am a woman in her midlife. A late bloomer when it comes to many things. Like menopause &mdash; still not officially in it, but already got the ticket &mdash; and enjoying the fruits of things I&rsquo;ve always wanted to do. Such as motorcycling and having been able to finally make writing my profession. But navigating midlife also means acknowledging eternity is limited. On earth, I mean. And body is part of earth.</p> <p>The more I read on Medium, the more I read articles about aging. And the more&hellip; well, you know the algorithm. It often strikes a chord with me, especially when it comes to the fear that women in particular seem to have: their changing beauty heralding the beginning of losing attractiveness and slowly becoming invisible. I personally do not think I am invisible at this age, but I do know that I can&nbsp;<em>make</em>&nbsp;myself invisible, if it suits me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@lisachitra/embracing-aging-justine-bateman-and-the-importance-of-role-models-for-women-f8fd59d57ad9"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Models Women