Men please Decenter women from your lives: don’t use women to measure your worth as a man. TW: this is not an advice article.

<p>Men please Decenter women. The patriarchy made women an important part when it comes to defining a man&rsquo;s masculinity. What do I mean? Men measure their Masculinity by how much they can control women. It&rsquo;s imperative that men learn to Decenter women and focus on other aspects of life. It needs to be done because men&rsquo;s happiness and women&rsquo;s safety is at risk.</p> <p>Men need to center other things in their lives; Education, wealth, mental health etc. not because they are trying to get a woman but because they simply want to. To better themselves, for themselves. controlling women has been and continues to be a big part of most men&rsquo;s livelihoods. A man will change their lifestyle and try to accomplish big goals, only because of and in spite of women. It&rsquo;s either they are doing it because they are trying to impress a woman in their life or they are doing it as revenge against the women who rejected them. The most popular revenge fantasy being that they acquire all these amazing things so that the women that rejected them can regret their initial decision.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Decenter Women