Hypersexualized Images of Women Do Nothing to Rebel Against the Patriarchy

<p>Our society has deeply ingrained in women and girls that they should be sexually desirable. It comes at us in the form of advertisements, movies, TV, and media. And it becomes embedded in our subconsciousness at a young age.</p> <p>Women have been portrayed as sex objects since the dawn of ages. From ancient civilization through the Renaissance movement, the Victorian Era, and the 20th century.</p> <p>Throughout each era &mdash; and into today &mdash; women&rsquo;s beauty and femininity have been idealized. Equating a woman&rsquo;s worth with her physical allure is dehumanizing.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/modern-women/hypersexualized-images-of-women-do-nothing-to-rebel-against-the-patriarchy-cbb7661c0493"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Images Women