Voices Of Women

<p>In 1999, I was invited to be on a panel that changed my life.</p> <p>When I was little, I dreamed of being an artist, one that could use her work to speak about things that I thought were important. Growing up during Watergate was key, very influential. In fact the whole period of my youth was influential. Woodstock, hippies, assassinations, Vietnam, Civil Rights Marches, Women&rsquo;s Libbers. But strangely, it never occurred to me that my drawing had anything to do with being a woman. I just wanted to draw. When I became a professional, I was aware I was a minority in my chosen field of&nbsp;<em>New Yorker</em>&nbsp;cartooning, but I was just glad I got into the magazine. I didn&rsquo;t see myself, and still don&rsquo;t, as a woman cartoonist. I am a cartoonist who happens to be a woman.</p> <p><a href="https://lizadonnelly.medium.com/voices-of-women-d7059c4a869d"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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