The Dangerous Cost of the Belief That Women Are Sacred…and Men Are Not

<p>Why do men seem so hellbent to start one war after another? Do you ever wonder that as we witness conflict seemingly every time we leave the house &mdash; or certainly every time we see the news?</p> <p>This is one of the central conversations that takes places in Season 7 of&nbsp;<em>Outlander&nbsp;</em>&mdash; or rather, what has been released at this point. (Don&rsquo;t worry &mdash; no spoiler alerts!)</p> <p>Jamie and Claire, who are now in the thick of the Revolutionary War, have a conversation about why men appear locked into cycles of warfare, while women, by and large, do not tend to go about engaging in collective acts of mass violence.</p> <p>Jamie&rsquo;s answer to this is not surprising to&nbsp;<em>Outlander&nbsp;</em>fans who have come to know these characters quite well over the years. He waxes somewhat poetically about how men are just individual beings with nothing to tie them to life or even one another. It&rsquo;s easy for them to find themselves creating the circumstances of war, making decisions that will cost so many other men their lives &mdash; because this singularity, this lack of connection makes men dispensable, in a sense. One man, Jamie says, is no different than any other. They provide, they protect, and these are simple duties, easily performed by any man.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>