Guns Have More Rights Than Women in the United States

<p>Despite a cautiously protective upbringing, your twelve-year-old daughter develops a confluence of problems, and you don&rsquo;t know why.</p> <p>Defiant, distant, and melancholy, she has morphed from the beautiful, joyful, obedient good girl you thought you had into this: a stranger.</p> <p>Instead of trying to figure out what exactly has transformed your daughter from her sweet, church-going angel into someone so dark and unfamiliar, you discipline her. You tell her to try harder. You tell her to cheer up. You remind her of how &ldquo;good&rdquo; her life is; of all of the many blessings in her life.</p> <p>This intervention has the opposite effect, forcing her deeper into herself and into a crowd you have deemed unsavory.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Guns Women