Women Executed in the U.S.

<p>Amber McGloughin was the last woman executed in the U.S. On January 23, 2023, the State of Missouri executed Amber in the gas chamber for the 2003 rape and murder of her girlfriend/roommate.</p> <p>McGloughlin also holds the title of the first transgender woman executed in U.S. history.</p> <p>At the time of her crimes, Amber was a male known as Scott. Beverly Gunither&rsquo;s remains were dumped in St. Louis, and Scott McGloughin was quickly apprehended and charged with the crimes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@criminalmatters/women-executed-in-the-u-s-8ceb7f5bfded"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Women executed