Tag: Spiritual

4 Lessons I Learned Dating a Spiritual Girl

I wonder what she saw in me when she asked me out. I guess it was a spiritual spark and she connected to it. The first time we spoke was on the messenger chat of the IT company I worked at, and clicked instantly. The first time we spoke, time was not in the picture (we spoke for 3–4 o...

In 28 Years of Spiritual & Personal Development, I Found 2 Main Paths for Transformation — Which…

Maverick Zen master Robert Rose says, turning over every stone in your spiritual pursuit. But not all people have appreciated my efforts in this area! “Damian, you never commit! Your sister said the same thing. What is wrong with you?” my ex-partner screeched in between sobs...

The Lack of the Spiritual Father

This was the book of my penultimate published book. You may be asking why anyone would write such a trivial title in a book. And that, my friend, is why you read my stories on Medium. You see, I was raised by an absentee father, who was an alcoholic and was not much of a role model. B...

Spiritual Writing Shouldn’t Be Boring

Not so many years ago, I thought of spiritual writing as — unfortunately — Boring. I wasn’t reading a lot of it, mainly because I thought it was mostly sermons by clergy members, and I had very little interest in that. Then, little by little, a new generation of bloggers on r...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so I distanced myse...

Three Signs You’re What’s Known As a Highly Spiritual Person

Today, my mother and I met a famous Spanish mystic painter at a painting contest. And upon greeting him, he gave us a Gaudi-style talk. He talked about spirituality, immortality, conspiracy theories, and false prophets. After an hour of conversation, as we walked away from him, my mother sa...

Three Signs You Are Not Too Intuitive: You Are a Highly Spiritual Person

First, we must define what a highly spiritual person is. To do this, I will use Dr. Hawkins’ scale. Emotional frequency scale 20 Hz shame 30 Hz remorse 50 Hz apathy 75 Hz suffering 100 Hz fear 125 Hz desire 150 Hz anger 175 Hz pride 200 Hz courage 250 Hz neutrality 310 Hz wi...

How to Find a True Spiritual Teacher

False spiritual teachers abound in this world. But they can be hard to suss out. A wayward spiritual teacher can be irresistibly charismatic, promote an exciting vision, and already have a crowd of enthusiastic followers. And you don’t see what you don’t see. Their transgression...

Open Your Mind and Body to the Intensely Spiritual Experience of Drinking Tap Water

Completely out of the blue, my sisters and I decided to visit my mother for Christmas. It was hot when I left my home state of Florida, so when I arrived at my mother’s house in Oregon, the cold temperatures were quite a shock. This story is not about my failure. It’s about my 80-year...

Three Mindblowing Secrets from Highly Spiritual People That Will Give You an Unfair Advantage in…

Only some know what life is all about. And the few who do know what it’s all about have an unfair advantage over everyone else. The problem is not that highly spiritual people don’t want to share their knowledge. The problem is that today, there is too much noise, and their mess...

Three Signs You Are Not “Too Intuitive”: You Are a Highly Spiritual Person

It is with courage that people start to wake up and notice strange things around them. Ergo, if you are at the courage level or above, you are a highly spiritual being or on your way to becoming one. And when that happens, strange things that make you feel like you’re too intuitive start...

The Artist’s Path to Spiritual Redemption

I suffered mental health problems for almost all of my life. I’ve seen the inside of hospital wards and prison cells more times than I’d care to count. I’ve tasted despair, which I cannot quite articulate, and trauma beyond words. The truth is I cannot yet shape the contours of thi...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

1. Gratitude I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so ...

Three Mindblowing Secrets from Highly Spiritual People That Will Give You an Unfair Advantage in Life

Only some know what life is all about. And the few who do know what it’s all about have an unfair advantage over everyone else. The problem is not that highly spiritual people don’t want to share their knowledge. The problem is that today, there is too much noise, and their mess...

In 28 Years of Spiritual & Personal Development, I Found 2 Main Paths for Transformation — Which One Is Most Effective?

Maverick Zen master Robert Rose says, turning over every stone in your spiritual pursuit. But not all people have appreciated my efforts in this area! “Damian, you never commit! Your sister said the same thing. What is wrong with you?” my ex-partner screeched in between sobs...

The Spiritual Mirror I Was Forced to Look At

In 2017, a severe psychotic episode landed me in a psychiatric ward for almost two months. The experience was traumatizing and its aftermath led to some of the darkest years of my life. I spent most of that time in grueling EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy se...

3 Spiritual Lessons My Atheist Father Taught Me That Improved the Quality of My Life

My father is an atheist — the only atheist in our entire family yet the only person who follows the rules and philosophy of religion. Standing beside me is my father in grey t-shirt Having said that, I have seen my father living a very honest life. When I say honest, I don’t me...

3 Spiritual Habits That Changed My Life Right Before My Eyes

1. Gratitude I have a friend who, no matter how much you’ve helped him in the past, only focuses on what he lacks in the present. He doesn’t appreciate the good things he has or remember the kindness others have shown him before. Dealing with an ungrateful person is exhausting, so ...

Three Signs You’re a Spiritual Soldier Fighting a Spiritual War

Have you had a hard time yet haven’t sold your soul? Do you do the right thing, even if you lose out? Do you still feel anger when you witness injustice in this world where no one seems to care about everyone else? Do you still have hope? You are probably a spiritual soldier in the...

3 Things I Had to Abandon For Optimum Spiritual Growth

1. Materialism Certain things no longer resonate with me. Expensive cars, fancy outfits, and other flashy possessions no longer hold the same appeal. That’s why I decided to loc my hair and embrace a much simpler lifestyle. It surprises people in my hometown when I reveal that I’m ...

One Powerful Method to Stay Centered for Your Spiritual Awakening

It is a shot in the head for those who believe ‘you are what you think.’ It is a partial truth for those stuck in mind games and imaginary stories of thoughts. They are brainwashed into the so-called secret law of attraction. However, the truth is there are no secrets in ...

The Spiritual Alchemy of Life’s Elixir

Before medicine started using the term ‘medication’ healers would often mix up elixirs in effort to save their patients. The word “elixir” comes from the Arabic word “al-iksir” meaning “the substance that can transform”. Many a quest has been undert...

My Struggles with Faith on the Spiritual Path

Attending a Catholic elementary school instilled terror in my heart, not faith. The slightest misbehavior resulted in a painful series of raps on the knuckles with a ruler. I felt too frightened to disobey. But even I once got caught whispering with another child during mass. As a punishment, we ...

How to Gain the Most from a Spiritual Teaching

Life speeds along. After a time, I feel frazzled and stressed. Luckily, I have a special remedy for this distress. I listen to spiritual teachings. They pull me out of the vortex, quickly return me to calm, and remind me of what’s truly important in life. But it only works if I bring the...

Insights, questions, reminders for every spiritual seeker

Although some of these look like rules but since these are short sentences they sound like rules. Do you want truth or do you want “your beliefs about truth” to become true? Do you understand the subtle difference? It is the “I” which wants things to be in a certain w...

This Spiritual Lesson Can Change Your Life

One day I asked myself what is the one spiritual teaching that has transformed my life the most? This was the answer. So many of us are on a spiritual path but if our practice doesn’t improve and apply to our lives on a practical, mundane level, then what is the point? This lesson has be...

How to Find a True Spiritual Teacher

But they can be hard to suss out. A wayward spiritual teacher can be irresistibly charismatic, promote an exciting vision, and already have a crowd of enthusiastic followers. And you don’t see what you don’t see. Their transgressions often occur behind closed doors among an inner c...

When Spiritual Abusers are Exposed

Once upon a time, Mark Driscoll was a superstar in the conservative evangelical church scene. A gifted communicator and a charismatic leader, Driscoll’s down-to-earth and hip-yet hard-line approach to preaching won him many fans. At the height of his fame, the church he founded, M...

Why Do Innocent People Suffer? (The Spiritual Argument as Presented in Job)

It is a fact of life that innocent people suffer. We need to look no further than our own lives. We see it all over the world, but why? Why do people suffer so gruesomely? Well, there is an entire book of the Bible that attempts to deal with this question. In the book of Job, the answer to the quest...

Spiritual Paths: Exploring the Inner Journey

In this guide, we will delve into the depths of spirituality, exploring different paths that take us on an enriching inner journey. We will discover the connections between spirituality and alternative medicine, as well as learn practices that promote well-being and the search for enlightenment. Get...

Exploring the Spiritual Heart of Bali: Temples, Odalans, and Village Magic

Temple Odyssey: A Pilgrimage through Bali’s Spiritual Icons: My itinerary included visits to both well-known and lesser-explored temples, each holding its unique charm. From the majestic cliffside Uluwatu Temple, where the crashing waves below added a symphony to the spiritual experience, t...

Ramadan: A Period of Massive Spiritual Growth

Growing up as a Muslim child, the word Ramadan comes with an aura of delightful ecstasy. The community was bubbling, the mosque was brimmed, and there was an avalanche of food to satisfy our cravings. My parents encouraged us to indulge in fasting at an early age, although it wasn’t compuls...

The Hidden Spiritual Language of the Book of Genesis — From Adam to Egypt (PaRDeS)

The concept of Pardes in Kabbalistic and Jewish thought offers a deeper framework for interpreting the Hebrew Bible through multiple layers of meaning, particularly the Book of Genesis. This approach, deeply rooted in mystical traditions and in Judaism often attributed to the Kabbalist Moses DeLe...

Ask Lewis: What Is Spiritual Materialism

It is useless to struggle against who you really are. That is the point of your wisdom practice, to get in touch with what your natural way of being is. A life guided by spiritual materialism is generally strewn with poor choices, self-aggrandizement acted out to appear as humility, and a deep attac...

Spiritual Liberation Front, Dispatches from around 1000 AD — Zen Experiments with Gothic Gnostic Bogomilism

In times of Tsar’s reign, Anarchy stirred within domain. Amidst shadows of Gothic walls, Gnostic whispers echoed in clandestine halls. A call for freedom, untamed and wild, A rebellion against authority compiled. Bogomilism thrived, a heretical creed, Challenging power, Tsar’s decreed...

Sassy Spiritual Awakenings: A Gay Man’s Humorous Guide

Let’s get real for a second. These days, enlightenment seems to be just a filter away. But can we talk about the actual journey? It’s like navigating a minefield, except the mines are unsolicited advice, weird health trends (I’m looking at you, kale smoothies), and the constan...

A Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Protection: learn how to protect your energy

There are many ways to achieve spiritual protection and oftentimes this is a very misunderstood concept. So what is spiritual protection anyway? It’s a way to protect your energy (vibration/frequency) by cleansing, banishing, or shielding. Spiritual protection is a form of spiritu...

How to Activate Your Natural Spiritual Power and Let Your Gifts Guide Your Life.

Think of someone you deeply admire, not just for what they’ve accomplished but for who they are as a person. A person who seems at home in their body, who seems to react with grace to every situation. A person who seems to know the energy in the room as soon as they walk into it. Guided by the...

The Sacred Haven You Call Home: Your Bedrock of Spiritual Support

You want the energy in your home to flow just like you want it to flow in your body. Make room for that energy to move and flow. Create spaces for it. This usually means you need to declutter, pare down and organize like things with like. Stuck energy in your environment will have an effect on...

Spiritual Awakening: Letters from the Grave (Story #1)

Have you ever felt alone, different, or out of place? Although I tried to blend in, dress like everyone, and look like everyone, I always felt different. People always tell me that “everyone loves you”, “you attract people”, and “everyone talks to you”. In sp...

Surrendering to the Spiritual

MySpiritual Awkening journey began a decade ago, when I found myself supporting someone close to me, through treatment for addiction issues. This led to completing three years of Alanon, and working the steps with a Sponsor. This program advises looking at ingrained family patterns in relation ...

A Spiritual Guide Using Planetary Energies to Plan Your Week

In our past-faced lives, finding harmony, maximising productivity, and living purposefully are perpetual quests. While harnessing the forces of the universe may seem like an esoteric and abstract concept, several studies indicate a close link between spiritual engagement and happiness. ...

Why the Energy Of Winter Enhances Your Spiritual Growth

Winter is the best time of year for a deep dive into yourself to enhance your spiritual growth objectives.You can harness the qualities of winter energy to nurture your spiritual and personal development, reinforce an ongoing transformation, or simply gain perspective on an aspect of your life. W...

The Hidden Spiritual Language of the Book of Jonah

The concept of Pardes in Kabbalistic and Jewish thought offers a deeper framework for interpreting the Hebrew Bible through multiple layers of meaning. This approach, deeply rooted in mystical traditions and in Judaism often attributed to the Kabbalist Moses DeLeon, aligns with the medieval Chris...

Exalt Your Spiritual Journey: Call on the Divine Names in the Five Sacred Languages.

Each of the five sacred languages activates you spiritually when speak their words in a certain way. The five sacred languages of enlightenment are Hebrew (Aramaic), Egyptian, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese. These are the original languages of very early recorded history. When you use the fi...

Are You a Seeker, Sage, or Seer? Find Out with This Spiritual Quiz

Have you ever wondered why you’re drawn to the mysteries of the universe, why you seek wisdom, or why you intuitively understand things that others don’t? These are not random traits but signs of a deeper spiritual archetype within you. The Mystic’s Path: Seeker, Sage, or Seer...

Secrets of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards —

When you need healing, what’s more important, the source of healing or the result? The question is, how do you find the right spiritual healers and earth stewards? The pandemic brings clarity to the issue. It also shows us the importance of both physical and spiritual healing. Inner healing...

Spiritual Influence & Maximum Wealth Tax

“The Spiritual Influence Transparency Act (SITA) aims to rectify the significant dissonance within the United States government by addressing the infiltration of religious influences in policymaking.” This act recognizes that existing religious policies often deviate from religious te...

Working with the Spiritual Dimensions of Water

One can learn much about the physical and spiritual health an ecosystem by looking at the local water. Water is sensitive to and retains information it gathers. As a medicine person or spirit worker of your local place, getting to know and learning to listen to your local waters are important par...

Are There Good “Spiritual Communities” and “Spiritual Teachers” Out There?

I believe folks address them to me because, while they might be grateful that someone has done investigative work that will steer them away from harm, they still want something from contemporary spirituality. They might have left their birth religions on a life-long quest for meaningful community...

What Neuroscience Can Tell You About Spiritual Experiences That You Don’t Already Know

The Illusion of Separation Neurotransmitters. Brain waves. Neural correlates. Whatever you call it, the meat in your skull is cooking up experiences you label as ‘spiritual.’ Enlightenment. Even your most mystical visions can be explained — partly, at least — ...

Spiritual DNA: Unveiling the Genetic Blueprint of Spirituality

Genetic epidemiology research suggests that personal spirituality has a heritable component, with about 30–37% of the variance in spirituality attributed to genetics. Personality traits like lower neuroticism and higher religiousness are associated with spirituality, influencing an individual&...

5 Quiet Signs You’re a Spiritual Fraud (& Don’t Even Know It)

Spirituality is not a one-time smoke. It is the quiet bushfire that can light up your entire forest of thoughts. You may fear it. Criticize it. Praise it. It does not matter. What matters is how authentic you are. This is where many people lie to themselves. They think they are dedicated. But ...

Spiritual Maturity Is Realizing You’re Not in Control

On the path to self-development, many seekers ask about signs of spiritual maturity. They want to know whether they are on the right track. They also want to recognize if the spiritual masters they admire underwent a growth process that they, too, can follow. However, this constant seeking and gr...

The Most Underrated Spiritual Tool No One Talks About

Hacking spiritual growth is impossible. Yet some insanely simple tools can help you progress to know who you are. It was the device that helped me tumble down within myself. Many ask me, “Who was your spiritual mentor when you started?” Well, I had no physical guidance for nearl...

Spiritual Perspective: Is Weed Good Or Bad? Can you get Enlightened?

Research Shamanism, it was the precursor to all magic we have today. All cultures of the world have it. People might say that drugs have never been historically linked to spiritual practice but that’s simply not true. Research Eleusinian Mysteries, Soma, Datura, Peyote, San Pedro, and ayahu...

Spiritual Bypassing, Psychedelics and the Altered State

A global phenomenon is unfolding before our eyes — more and more people are openly sharing their experiences of awakening. Through the spiritual awakening process, many of us are afforded glimpses into a reality far grander and more expansive than anything we had previously conceived...

Tidakai Chie’s Journey to the Heart of Okinawa: A Tale of Music, Dance, and Spiritual Awakening

When I was 16, a journey to Okinawa to purchase a limited-edition CD by the singer Cocco from Okinawa marked my first solo trip. Landing at Naha Airport, I was struck by the intense blue of the sky, so close and vivid, and the breathtaking beauty of Okinawa’s sea. This experience sparked a dee...

Paro Taktsang: A Glimpse into Bhutan’s Spiritual Wonder

In the heart of the Himalayas lies Paro Taktsang, a sacred monastery perched on the edge of a cliff, captivating pilgrims and travelers alike. Mystical Beauty Amidst Nature Paro Taktsang, often referred to as the ‘Tiger’s Nest,’ is an architectural masterpiece and a spiritual...

A Spiritual Journey Through The Heart Of The Golden Temple

A group of fourteen senior citizens decided to take a trip to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple. It is a shrine of the six but there are tourists from around the world. Amritsar is known for street food. Tourists relish the Paratha’s, Kulcha’s, Non-Vegetarian Dishes and Sweets. H...

Exploring ‘Elastic Time’ in Ancient Spiritual Traditions

In many ancient spiritual traditions, time is not understood as a fixed, linear idea, but rather as a fluid and elastic force that may be controlled and experienced in many ways. This idea of ‘elastic time’ is common in civilizations throughout the world and has a profound spiritual valu...

The Head Covering As An Ancient Spiritual Healing Technology

A properly fitting head covering creates a natural cranial adjustment! Pressure therapy has been used in a number of medical industries from mental health to occupational therapy called sensory integration therapy or deep pressure therapy. Deep pressure has been defined as the “sensation produ...

How to Make Shrove Tuesday Into A Spiritual Day

I woke up this morning to an email notification that someone had downloaded a PDF printable from my Gumroad page that I posted at this time last year — and had completely forgotten about. If you are that person… Thank you.  Since today is Shrove Tuesday — or “Panc...

Spiritual self defense made aesthetic

Occult home and self Defense On a table styled for Brandy decanters, I have this set up in my bedroom. It’s a perfect station for aromatherapy, home cleansing, and spiritual protection. All of these, except for the cinnamon cologne in the Amber glass bottle, are from brands owned by two...

Exploring Spiritual Temples in India: A Personal Journey

Varanasi, the spiritual capital of India, is like the beating heart of spirituality, and the Kashi Vishwanath Temple is its soul. The energy and devotion you feel here are simply indescribable. I remember attending the Ganga Aarti at the ghats nearby — a mesmerizing experience that stays with ...

5 Best Hindi Spiritual Podcasts(List by Feedspot)

Karam Pradhan (by Kashish Gambhir) Unlocking the Depths of Spirituality in Hindi Step into a world of spiritual exploration with Kashish Gambhir on the podcast ‘Karam Pradhan’. This podcast, a Hindi adaptation of the renowned spiritual podcast ‘Karma Is Supreme’, seamlessly...